Drizzle 2020 - Posting begins on 1st September.

Aug 28, 2020 10:01

Posting for the ever-anonymous, highly anticipated, and super popular (for some reason) DRIZZLE fest begins 1st September. We will be posting every day at least 2 entries per day and our weekly round up / reading day will be on Sundays. We have over 50 entries (and even more in the end as some folks are on extension -) The fest is running through September and early October - so scheduling is a humbling electrical storm. I try to be as transparent as I can be with our members, so I won’t be able to provide a posting schedule, as some would like to know when their particular entry will be posted. Just keep in mind that stories/art are, for the most part, posted in the order they are received.

We hope you enjoy the fest as there’s lots of favourite characters, popular ships, and rare-pairs in fic, art, and podfic. Excited, as always, to run this fest for the 8th (or so… I lost count) year. You can follow the fest on tumblr, dreamwidth, and livejournal.

For questions, please email: hpdrizzlemods@gmail.com.

DIG for drizzle ♥

!mod post, !2020

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