Fest 2020 - HP DRIZZLE Rules & Guidelines.

Mar 14, 2020 16:05

Presenting the 8th annual HP DRIZZLE FEST

Welcome to the 2020
hpdrizzle/hp_drizzle FEST RULES POST. We are excited to have you here. Please read through this whole post and feel free to ask any questions about whatever we might have forgotten to include.

What is
It's an anonymous prompt-based fest. Authors and artists will create a Harry Potter piece that involves weather in any kind; for example, it could be Character A and Character B kissing in the rain or Character C building a snowman in their garden. The possibilities are endless. We accept Het, Femslash, Slash, Gen, Three/more-somes, along with angst, dark, fluff, hurt/comfort, humour, etc, etc…


Prompting begins on 1st of April and will remain open until the 15th of April (6 pm New York Time).

A link will be provided on April 1st and all members can leave up to 10 prompts per person. The link will be a "Google Form," and we're requesting all members to limit their prompts up to 10.

Your prompts can be from Fantastic Beasts and the Cursed Child. Your prompts can be crossovers with other fandoms, as long as the HP character is the main character of the prompt.

Prompts are not plot points. Please limit your word count for the prompts. Please don't post full lyrics to a song as a prompt.

As we collect prompts we will update the list and share it with our members.

Claiming will begin on the 20th of April.

Sometime between the 16th and the 19th, the mods will organize the prompts in different categories: Het, Slash, Femslash, Multi/threesomes, Any/Other.

We will give you the link to ALL categorized prompts by the 19th of April, so you can be ready for your claim. Claiming will also be done via Google Form.

During your claim, you'll be asked for the following:
Your username / fandom base (Like, LJ, DW, Tumblr, etc…)
Link to your tumblr, if you have one.
What prompt you want. We will ask you to pick at least 2 prompts just to be sure you have a backup if your first choice is taken.

Prompts are simply guidelines, and the creators can choose to do whatever they want with the prompt. This is not a gift exchange so you have the freedom.

♥ Anyone can make a claim. You do not have to prompt to claim. You do not have to claim to prompt.
♥ All stories submitted must be unique to this fest.

If your first choice is taken you will get your second choice. You do not have to pick from the list of prompts to create for the fest. You can simply write/create art for your own idea. If you are doing something for your own prompt, you still have to fill out the Claim Form and let us know what you're doing. This is so planning can be easy for the moderator when it's time to post for the fest.

♥ Please let us know if you have to drop out of the fest. We will not be upset, you will not be banned from future fests; we just need to know ASAP!

Claiming is anonymous.
Posting is anonymous.

When all submissions are posted, we will create a masterlist and REVEAL who wrote what (or created what art).

The keyword is ANONYMOUS. GUYS, I cannot stress this enough. It's ANONYMOUS. We had some serious issues in the past with new members who started to post their story/art on other platforms (like Facebook or Tumblr) BEFORE reveals.

The HP DRIZZLE fest is ANONYMOUS. Please, please, please respect this rule. If you simply cannot wait and are not a patient person to wait until mid-October for reveals, then we'd like to request that you do not sign up.

Being anonymous is half the fun. The other half is reading the anonymous entry. It's heartbreaking to have people sign up and then not respect the rules. It's heartbreaking for the mods, and it's downright disrespectful for other participants.

Fest begins on 1st of September. If your anon entry goes up on the 15th, it does not mean you can now post wherever you want. You have to wait until every single post is made, an anonymous masterlist is posted, and a REVEALS post is made.

Okay, so anonymous. Get it? Good.


In the past, drizzle has been quite popular (because our members are awesome) so it's hard to give you a schedule. Once you submit your entry, we will not be able to tell you when it'll be posted but most entries are first submitted, first posted, basis.

Submissions are due on the 15th of August.

You can do a couple of things. For art, please email us your entry. We will host the art on our server - do not SIGN your art b/c (guess what?) it's ANONYMOUS. After reveals, we will replace your art with a signed version if you wish that.

Every single entry will be posted on AO3. Headers and links will be posted on DW and Tumblr and Livejournal. No art will be posted anywhere but on AO3. Art can be any medium and any style. It must be at least 600x600 pixels. Please wait until reveals (full masterlist is posted) to post your art on your tumblr. PLEASE. WAIT.

Fics must be at least 1000 words. There's no maximum. You can post your story to our AO3 COLLECTION on your own if you know how to do it. If you do not, you can ask us and we'll show you tutorials, etc…

Basic HTML guides are:

+ phoenixacid's Basic HTML Guide
+ megyal's: tutorial for placing HTML tags around similarly formatted text in Word

FINALLY please utilize potterwords for all the correct spellings that you might need for creatures, characters, or anything else for your creations.

We will have an AO3 collection. For members who are comfortable with posting their fic on the COLLECTION, will be welcomed to do so. This is very important, because if you do not know how to do it, don't worry, we can do it for you. You can email us your fic or we can do a step by step tutorial on how to do it.

Please make sure you POST TO COLLECTION on the link provided and do not simply post your fic on ao3 - that is the wrong way to do it.

Every single person has to email us a header with your fic or art. If you are posting your fic/art yourself on ao3 collection, then you still have to email us a header.

What's a header? It's something that goes on top of the link for the fic, telling the audience, what the fic/art is about. Everyone needs to use the same header.

Author/Artist: (write your user name and/or link to your profile page) - we will remove this during posting and add it back when the fest is finished.
Prompt: # (this will be the prompt you selected)
Word Count/Art Medium:
Rating: (G to NC-17)
Disclaimer: A basic line about how this is for fun, etc, etc…

Do not remove the coding. Write after the "" For example:
Title: A Story about Rain
Author/Artist: authorname.dreamwidth.org.
Prompt: # 72
Pairing(s): Parvati/Hermione
Word Count/Art Medium: 4000 words (or Digital Art)
Rating: PG
Warning(s): This story takes place in an AU.
Disclaimer: This story/art is created for fun. No profit is being made.
Notes: Thanks to my beta, Q!
Summary: Hermione and Parvati get caught in the rain.

+ It's very important that you do not remove the coding.
+ Your header does not go in your ao3 page. The header is only for LJ/DW/and Tumblr.
+ If you copy and paste your header in ao3, then your name is there, and then it's not anonymous.
+ If you have any confusion about this, please ask.

If you submit your fic to AO3 directly, then you will be asked to add the mod account as a co-creator. Please add: drizzle_mod. This is important because when your story is posted for the fest, the mod will know when it'll be posted and we can update the date of posting so it shows up on top.

Extensions will be judged on an individual basis. Try to give us as much notice as possible, we mods don't love last minute panics, it messes with our pretty schedules! (The subject of your email should read: EXTENSION- YOUR USERNAME). If you need to drop out for any reason, please send us an email letting us know before the deadline for submissions.

All fic submissions need to have been beta-read. We will skim through your story and if it's evident you did not have a beta, we will return your fic and ask you to fix it. The content is yours, we require it to have a proper SPaG (Spelling and Grammar) proofread.

PODFICS are also allowed for the DRIZZLE fest. A separate post will be made about podfic sign ups. Podfic sign up will be anonymous. When Podfics are posted, their creator will be revealed at the same time as the Podfic. Basically, Podfic posting is not anonymous.

If you have questions, you can ask us anytime. Either on this post or via email: hpdrizzlemods@gmail.com. Please do not send us PMs. Our tumblr is:

A few things that might help us all if we remember…

Mods are people. Human beings make mistakes. They require time offline, time to sleep and eat and take a break from mod duties from time to time. On top of it all, Mods also have full time jobs.

So, if you send us an email/ask, please give us a little bit of time to respond. During claiming, give us 24-48 hours to get back to you with confirmations. Fandom is across the globe and across different time zones hence all we ask is for you to be patient with us.

Be gentle and always remember this fest is here to have fun. Don't stress yourself out. If you have to drop out, let us know. If you need to express disagreement, please do it with respect.

!mod post, !2020, !rules

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