Recipient: synn
odogoddessTitle: Rebuilding
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Hagrid/Aberforth, Snape/Hooch (Hagerforth & Snooch? Doesn't that sound like a Wizarding Law Firm?)
Word Count: ~10,300
Warnings/Content Information (Highlight to View): *Size queens, rather a lot of spunk, frottage, wall sex, first time. There is no bestiality but it is alluded to in re: the expected canon character.*
Summary: Two couples are brought together during the time of Hogwarts' rebuilding...
Author's Notes: You wrote: 'I like the idea of Snape/anybody, and Harry/Hagrid is a favorite.' Well, Hagrid already had a partner for the story, but I decided to include his and Harry's friendship here. I took your Snape/anybody at face value and hope you enjoy that pairing. You also wrote: 'I like details about little everyday magic more than large rituals, I love Hogwarts itself as a location: the history imbued in it, the thought of rebuilding after the war, etc.' So I used a bit of all that and I hope it suits. Happy Beholding!
"Rebuilding" (Don't forget to return to
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