FIC: Wandering Soul--100 Wesley Fics

Feb 10, 2006 17:55

tth100 claim for Wesley Wyndam-Pryce.

As of April 3, 28/100

All of these fit with the universe I created in Encore Une Fois, which can be found as the prompt Future. The fics will range from Wesley's childhood to the far future of Firefly and possibly beyond. While not every fic will obviously cross with Highlander, the rules for Immortals of that 'verse hold for Wesley at all times. Wes's first death occurred during the AtS5 Finale when he was killed by the sorcerer Vail.

There are several chronolgies in this universe, as seen below:
Encore Une Fois (AtS x Highlander): 93, 56, 14, 73, 72, 27, 19, 05, 30, 98, links to 26

The Black (AtS x Highlander x Firefly): 26, 34, 61, 85, 22, 90, 11, 47, future 17

Crime and Punishment (AtS x Stephanie Plum x L&O: SVU x Witchblade): 82, 64, 28, 36

First Steps (AtS x Tommy Lynley x ): 35, 20, 43, 07, 49

I'll update the above as I write the stories.

01: Moon
02: Death
03: Love
04: Prophecy
05: Pets

06: Blood
07: School
08: Illness
09: Writing
10: Dreams

11: Night
12: Sunlight
13: Winter
14: Earth
15: Fire

16: Water
17: Air
18: Soul
19: Pain
20: Weddings

21: Traitor
22: Space
23: Pride
24: Anger
25: Jealousy

26: Money
27: Fear
28: Curse
29: Heartache
30: Costumes

31: Friends
32: Snow
33: Pumpkins
34: Luck
35: Turkeys

36: Past
37: Birthdays
38: Legend
39: Funeral
40: Birth

41: Doctor
42: Time Travel
43: Castle
44: Clouds
45: Dimensions

46: Universe
47: Fantasies
48: Hate
49: First Times
50: Devil

51: Sin
52: Evil
53: Good
54: God/des
55: Heaven

56: Drinking
57: Star
58: Villian
59: Fight
60: Lake

61: Planet
62: Game
63: Computer
64: Diary
65: Vampire

66: Were-Animal
67: Immortal
68: Hero
69: Spell
70: Destruction

71: River
72: Flesh
73: Worship
74: Faith
75: Ink

76: Deceit
77: Annoy
78: Travel
79: Stumble
80: Party

81: Wet
82: Gloves
83: Picture
84: Wish
85: Watcher

86: Forest
87: Hot
88: Ring
89: Exclamation
90: Angst

91: Examine
92: Green
93: Future
94: Portal
95: Cold

96: UST
97: Bonds
98: Club
99: Torture
100: Dry

witchblade, firefly, l&o:svu, lynley, ats, stephanie plum, highlander

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