VID: Dreamtime

Apr 09, 2007 14:28

Title: Dreamtime
Tune: Mescalito, by James Taylor
Subject: What House dreams about on his Vicodin, at the end of Detox. First to guess correctly wins a prize. (Just a wee jokey! :)
Summary: Vicodin!Vid
Notes: This is short, because I wanted to make a vid to Mescalito (from the wonderful JT album One Man Dog), and it's only a teensy tune.
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Comments 29

t_eyla April 9 2007, 14:40:21 UTC
Ohhh H/W love! *purrs*

On a slightly less squee-y note, I *loved* the way how you let the song from the music vid overlap with House's piano playing. That's a really neat trick!

Thanks for making this :).


housepiglet April 9 2007, 14:48:15 UTC
Thank you for watching :) I'm v. glad you enjoyed it!


lilapaddy April 11 2007, 03:10:34 UTC
holy crap on a stick!

icon?!??!?! where is that picture from!?


t_eyla April 11 2007, 03:13:57 UTC
Heh. Go ask tli, she made that icon (and she suddenly sprang it at me in MSN, and I nearly had a HEART ATTACK!)


angus_honey April 9 2007, 15:10:27 UTC
OMG their relationship just oozes out of them and onto the screen - how can people miss it??

You are a very clever little piglet and I take back my comment about a bacon sandwich!!


housepiglet April 9 2007, 15:31:47 UTC
*waves tritter oops! Crubeen...*

Many thanks for watching! I'm v. glad you enjoyed it :)

Uh-oh, though... the B word again! Hmm... now my PC crashed three times while I attempted to reply to this comment. Could there be a connection? Hmm....

*trots away, rubbing snout reflectively*



angus_honey April 9 2007, 15:56:58 UTC
Ah-ah......there's something funny in the state of Denmark. (Danish bacon - he he he!!)

You accidentally said 'tritter' before changing it and the mention of BACON sends your PC haywire....does the P in PC stand for 'Personal', 'Piglet' or 'POLICE'!! AND, here in the UK a 'snout' is at colloquialism for a POLICE informer!!!

I'm afraid....I'm very afraid..........


earlwyn April 9 2007, 15:31:33 UTC
*flails happily*

Of course he's dreaming about his wee Jimmy. What else is there?

I loved this; I really did. It's, er, cut well? Whatever vid slang is involved. I like how it's spliced together, makes for a v. good, jaunty, smooth ride.

And of course I love Wilson's little scenes. They're lovely as well.

I think this may be one of my favourite fanvids.


housepiglet April 9 2007, 15:33:32 UTC
*loves you*

Thank you :) I'm v. glad you liked! For such a short vid, it actually took me a lot of faffing about to get those little bits to coincide with la musique :)

So where's that story, then?

*nips off to check H_W again*


earlwyn April 9 2007, 15:39:02 UTC
It coincides v. well, it does. I esp. like the bit with House throwing the Vicodin to Cuddy. I don't know why; I just do.

The story is having technical difficulties and would appreciate your patience during this time.

Or I'm just being a pansy about it and nervous to post it.

I am going to post my Meta Monday question though.


housepiglet April 9 2007, 15:47:12 UTC
I esp. like the bit with House throwing the Vicodin to Cuddy. I don't know why; I just do.

Thank you :) I rather like the way that bit came out. It's fun experimenting with the vidding programme.

The story is having technical difficulties and would appreciate your patience during this time.

Or I'm just being a pansy about it and nervous to post it.

But it's quite tremendous! I'll go and re-read it :)

*whispers* Hey, I finally wrote a first kiss :) A bit further down the page. Wild sex is next on the agenda. Well, maybe... :) */whispers*

I am going to post my Meta Monday question though.

Very cool! Can you say what it's about, or is it still under wraps?


shadowstark April 9 2007, 16:02:38 UTC
Too short! :p I miss them being friends... I should stop watching these things, it makes me so sad to see how far they've fallen...


housepiglet April 9 2007, 16:05:22 UTC
Too short!

Ahaaa, but that was a cunning metaphor for the state of their friendship.

Ahem... well it wasn't really :) It's just a short tune!

Many thanks for watching and commenting. I really miss their friendship too. *sobs a bit*


sandssavvy April 9 2007, 19:34:43 UTC
That was just wonderful.

I wish I had mad skills like yours.


housepiglet April 9 2007, 21:23:15 UTC
Thank you very much! :) I'm delighted that you enjoyed it :)

I don't have mad skills - just dogged persistence!

Thank you very much for watching and commenting :)


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