VID: My first fanvid :) Bathroom Madness!

Mar 31, 2007 23:08

Title: Bathroom Madness!
Tune: Jig, by James Taylor
Subject: House/Wilson - mainly in the bathroom :)  Spoilers for Series 3 to 3x16: Top Secret.
Summary: Crack!vid :)
Notes: Grateful thanks to the wonderful
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Comments 40

hry2007 March 31 2007, 23:51:34 UTC
Oh man. At first I was like, wait a minute, you couldn't have made a fanvid that fast. Then I realized it was a crackvid about peeing. Then I lolled. A lot.


housepiglet March 31 2007, 23:55:13 UTC

I'm very glad you enjoyed :) Thanks for watching!


hellspoette April 1 2007, 00:36:31 UTC
Ahahaha. This should be in capslock_house.


housepiglet April 1 2007, 01:03:20 UTC
Many thanks for watching!

I love capslock_house :)


idonmatrix April 1 2007, 08:23:31 UTC
Geez!! I love your icon. Perfection - so much perfection.


housepiglet April 1 2007, 09:11:37 UTC
Thank you :)


(The comment has been removed)

housepiglet April 1 2007, 01:04:22 UTC

Thanks so much for watching, and especially for the comment on YouTube. My first evercomment there :) I'm so glad you enjoyed it!


t_eyla April 1 2007, 00:38:10 UTC

This gives the saying "get a room!" a whole new meaning ;).

Thanks for making this!


housepiglet April 1 2007, 01:07:42 UTC

Thank you very much indeed for watching :)

This gives the saying "get a room!" a whole new meaning ;)

It seems to be the replacement for Chinese on the couch!


t_eyla April 1 2007, 01:33:00 UTC
It seems to be the replacement for Chinese on the couch!

Heh heh ^^. On-screen replacement. In fanfiction, I think I prefer to stick with the old stuff (although... I have been enjoying all the bathroom centered stuff that popped up here on LJ after "Top Secret" aired ;) ).

I friended you. I hope you don't mind? :)


housepiglet April 1 2007, 01:40:56 UTC
I friended you. I hope you don't mind? :)

I don't mind in the slightest, and thank you :) *trots off to friend you back*


daasgrrl April 1 2007, 00:41:35 UTC
BWAH! Okay, I know I said I wasn't watching many vids nowadays, but I totally caved at the subject matter. I thought the paper pulling and flushing to the beat were particularly inspired XD

And I didn't think your questions were idiotic at all - you certainly picked it all up extremely quickly! Hilarious.


housepiglet April 1 2007, 01:08:58 UTC
I'm so glad you liked it :) Many thanks again for your help!

I'm glad you liked the flushing/paper pulling. They make me smile :)

It seemed wrong to waste such tantalising subject matter :)


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