All day long, there's been rather depressing music playing on Shuffle's secret station. Songs admitting defeat, songs about regret. Occasionally, there'll be the crackle of a microphone being turned on...and then silence.
He doesn't know how to say it.
He needs to, though.
He can't handle it alone. )
Comments 39
So Hadyn stared, and frowned. And for a moment he scoffed and thought it was stupid to be pleading like that where everyone could hear. But when he went to turn the radio off, he hesitated- frowning a little more before chewing at his lip. He could, he supposed, relate. To the mother, not to the anonymous speaker.
So he called, picking up the radio and turning it off before hiding it so no one else could find it. And as the phone rang, Hadyn made his way up into out a side down in the back and lit a cigarette.
"Have to convince her to go, for that."
That's almost an excuse. He knew ways to trick her into the car--the cruelest was telling her they were going to go see his father.
Teddy's father was almost four years dead, now.
"You's okay to not be able to manage someone like this. It's not easy for someone who isn't trained to it. Maybe even nearly impossible, in the long-term."
"But don't you people have something like that here?"
Were there really all these crazy people with no mentally therapeutic assistance?
She guesses asking if he's talked to his Faces about his problem that he'd just laugh at that too.
When she speaks, it's not with the gentle voice of a friend. It's with the to-the-point shortness of an Ace. "How long?"
And he never brought it to her. He didn't think she would have time to help him with his personal life, of course. He'd only talked to her about what the Suit needed, what the Deck needed. What she needed, the day she was made Ace.
The anger seems to have evaporated as quickly as it came, leaving a slightly forlorn tone to her voice as she goes on. "You can trust me. I'm here for you. You can tell me things like this, sweetie. You're not alone."
Because in his twisted, suspicious thorny hedge of a teenage mind, he feared giving someone else power in his life like that, like asking for help would. He didn't trust anyone to take over, after this long. Especially not someone with the level of authority Blythe carried, but never acknowledged.
But here she is, telling him she wants to help, telling him she feels like she's doing a shit job because she wasn't aware. As much as he wants to think it's all true, he's cautious, afraid what she might do next.
He does the only thing he can: start crying again, overwhelmed with conflicting, chaotic emotions. He turns in his chair to put his back to her, not wanting to see pity, or that confusing anger on her face again.
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