Evan isn't supposed to be coming back to the Deck until Christmas time. He's in fact supposed to be studying this weekend. He will be studying this weekend. Definitely 100% going to spend time studying here despite not having his study group to force him to when it starts to get boring
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"You know, sometimes I think you need a bell to warn people that you're coming."
It's not a bad idea. He might get one for Christmas.
"We tried that," he huffs between snatching things up for her. "For, like, a month when I was fifteen. Ain't actually-- all that useful. People looked-- too low, y'know, thinkin' it was-- a dog comin' up on 'em."
He's not actually joking.
She's been home. Matthew's Aussie rubs off.
"Or some sorta car alarm." To be decided, clearly. Time yet before Christmas. "Been doin' real well, actually. Grades gettin' better, meetin' real nice people, feelin' real settled out there." For now. Probably. "How 'bout you, hm?"
That's on the other hand.
The unholy glee is hard to hide, though. See, Riley is more than happy to share details of your sex life, Evan. "You didn't tell me you'd be back before Christmas, stranger."
And he'll absolutely be sweeping her up into a tight hug once he's done squawking in surprise. "Missed ya way too much, kiddo. Couldn't keep away."
Evan McCartney is a hugger: possibly the most unsurprising news bulletin of the century. "Somehow I doubt you came home just to see me," she says. Not that she's giving him a clue that she was the devil on Riley's shoulder that made her cancel on him. "Elani probably missed you."
"Ain't just for you, yeah," he'll concede, although he absolutely also won't be letting go of keeping an arm around her. "But it also ain't not t' see the ring."
And Riley. And Elani. And his parents. And Tess and Sophie and Rowan and Riley.
Oh well, too late. You just got yourself an armful of sister, Evan.
"Well hey there, munchkin."
Not that she's complaining, really. Not at all.
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