Oct 09, 2012 00:41
Sydney, lamb of the stables, was a very special lamb. For one thing, she was purple and, for people who cared to recognise patterns, adorned with the flag of New South Wales. For another, it had been over a year since she first arrived and she remained a lamb. She could hardly be blamed on residual Arcana effects, either.
And she tended to get everywhere when she put her mind to it.
Which is why Säde is currently tramping through the snow with Sydney in her arms. The lamb can't possibly have been in Diamond Castle since before the snow fell, but she did somehow manage to wander in last night. Or was brought. Whichever. At least there was less to worry about, now. Säde had spent so much time getting things in order all over the castle that she had to be very firmly sent to bed after the third day by Leigh.
Right now, her peeved expression at having to ferry Sydney home is warring with the good mood lamb-cuddlingcarrying puts her in.
cadogan ♦,
@diamond castle ♦,
+diamonds ♦,
säde ♦,
*blizzard 2012