Why Are We Friends? A Meme

Apr 17, 2009 03:18

snagged from ladysophiekitty

Comment on this entry, and I will:

1. Tell you why I friended you.
2. Associate you with something - fandom, a song, a color, a photo, a word etc.
3. Tell you something I like about you.
4. Tell you a memory I have of you.
5. Ask something I've always wanted to know about you.
6. Tell you my favorite user pic of yours.
7. In return, you must ( Read more... )

f-list, lj user:ladysophiekitty, it's meme time

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Comments 4

cricketgrl April 17 2009, 13:32:53 UTC


housem24fan April 18 2009, 06:43:21 UTC

1. Why I friended you:

After you friended me, I looked at your journal and saw that we have several big things in common-Batman, Superman, Harry Potter, Star Wars...Clois, Harmony, Han/Leia....and I can always use friends who enjoy those things. :D

2.Associate you with:

Chloe hatred, LOL.

No seriously, kickass wallpapers! :D
You're wallpapers are always awesome!

3.Something I Like About You:

You're not afraid to take on the haters! I appreciate that. :)

4.A memory I have of you:

When we chatted once about how rare Harmonian Cloisers are. :)

5.Something I've always wanted to know about you:

How did you first get into online fandom? :)

6.My favorite user pic of yours:

This one:

... )


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housem24fan April 18 2009, 07:13:07 UTC
1.Why I friended you.

You have alot of the same interests, fandoms, and ships as I do. And a Harmonian who also ships Cangel is always A+++ in my book! ;)

Not easy to find, believe me.

2.Associate you with:

Cangel sex, LOL.

You use that icon ^ alot, and I really like it, so I kind of think you=Cangel make outs. ♥

3.Something I like about you:

You're awesome fandom taste and the fact that you seem to be pretty leavel-headed about it. :)

4.A memory I have of you:

When you were choosing a name for you're fic comm. Both options were great, and I remember thinking how cool it was that you're ideas were very similar to what I'd probably come up with for a fic comm name.

5.Something I've always wanted to know about you:

Which of your fandoms would you say has most inspired you fic-wise, and why do you think that is?

6.My favorite user pic of yours:

This one:

... )


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housem24fan April 19 2009, 11:54:50 UTC
1. Yeah, I'm the same way. I love Harry and Hermione because of their effortless chemistry and beautiful friendship, and I love Cangel for that same reason. Yet most Harmonians ship Bangel which actually reminds me a little more of Harry/Ginny (though H/G is still a million times more disgusting. I can see why there are people that ship Bangel whereas I REALLY do not get the HG shipping ( ... )


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