Title: Untitled (I am a chronic failure at titles)
Characters/Pairing: House/Stacy. Cuddy makes some appearances.
Prompt: 003. Ends
Word Count: 474
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Spoilers for "Three Stories."
Author's Notes: I have a thing for writing in second person. There's a kind of immediacy that you can't get any other way. I also find myself liking
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Comments 2
I see why you put in the parentheses, but truthfully I think you could take most of them out. As I was reading, they tended to be a distraction. This fic is from Stacy's POV, so you are allowed to have a lot of that internal dialogue just stand by itself rather than be inside "()". :-)
And thank you so much for the advice on the parentheses -- looking back on it, most of them were just sort of there for emphasis over actual paranthetical commentary. (Oh man, those were big words...) I'll be editing a lot of them out. :)
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