Title: Mother and Son, Chapter 2 Characters/Pairing: Cameron Prompt: 006. Patient Words: 806 Spoilers: None Rating: PG A/N: Follows this. It won't make much sense otherwise. ;-) Beta by drwilltx.
I loved the first part..and this part is even better. I like getting to see something that is completely unrelated to the rest of the team with her. Great fic, I hope you continue it!
:-D Thanks! I think I have one more chapter in mind for this.
It has been interesting exploring Cameron as her own person, away from the team. I've found it a challenge to write only Cameron and have the fic still be interesting without the others.
Comments 2
It has been interesting exploring Cameron as her own person, away from the team. I've found it a challenge to write only Cameron and have the fic still be interesting without the others.
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