Time to get things started again. We've got six fics lined up for the Hall of Fame discussions at this point, with opportunities for more nominations anytime.
Let's start things off with a twist and open the floor for the first Hall of Fame discussion of 2007.
Title and Link: Letters of Transit
http://community.livejournal.com/house_wilson/668606.html#cutid1Takes you to the first entry. From there, follow the links.
Author: Nightdog_Writes
Rating: PG-13
Synopsis: House follows a series of postcards from Wilson to an unusual and unexpected conclusion.
Nominated by: Namasteyoga
Why Should This Be In The Hall of Fame?: By equal turns AU and true to canon, this fic sets up a wonderful mystery of time, space and the heart. Add to that a set-up and format that established a complete world in just a series of short fics, yet managed to keep the reader just as intrigued in what would happen next as House was.
Sample From the Text: He allowed himself to briefly consider other suspects -- his Fellows, an old college friend -- but dismissed them immediately. No. This was interesting. This was tricky. This had depth. This had the fingerprints of James Wilson all over it.