all alone

Feb 05, 2010 22:01


We cleaned the exam room in complete silence. Both of us in deep thought about what’s going to happen, I can’t imagine that Cuddy will let us slide with just a warning. How could I let this happen? After Cameron finds out what I did, I’ll loose her for sure, along with Spencer. We walked across the lobby to Cuddy’s office awkwardly, neither one of us saying a word. Cuddy was standing behind her desk when we walked in.

“Have a seat,” she said sternly, we sat with our heads down, “what in the blue hell were you two thinking? Huh?”

“We didn’t mean for it to happen,” Chase said.

“I’m sure you didn’t Dr. Chase. Look whatever you two have going on has no business in my hospital. We treat patients in that room for God’s sake!”

“There’s nothing going on between us. It was one time and it was a mistake,” I said, unemotionally.

“Well, I don’t much care for drama in my hospital, so I’m suspending the both of you for a week. Dr. Hadley, I’ll let House know that you won’t be in and Dr. Chase I’ll let Dr. Johnson know that he’ll have to take over for you this week.”

I drove around for about an hour, all my thoughts went to Cameron. How I needed her, how I missed her. I stopped by the liquor store and bought a couple bottles of vodka. As I drove up to my building I spotted Spencer’s car, God I don’t want to do this right now, I cracked one bottle open and chugged it halfway. Buzzed I got out of my car and stumbled my way to my apartment. I opened the door and stumbled in, I dropped my stuff and went straight for my bed. I was laying face down, clutching the vodka bottle when I heard Spencer walk out of the bathroom.

“Hey baby, are you ok? Why are you home,” she asked and she came to me and put her hand on my forehead.

“I’m fine. Just had to get out of there.”

“Why what happened?”

“Nothing, I just need a vacation,” I said and took a swig of the vodka.

“Baby, it’s ten in the morning, why are you drinking?”

“No reason, ok, Jesus.”

“Fine, don’t talk to me then,” she said and went back to the bathroom.

“Why are YOU home,” I asked, I heard the water start to run.

“Doctor’s appointment, remember,” she said, I laid there buzzed when I heard a knock on my door. I got up and awkwardly walked to the door and opened it. It was Chase.

“What do you want,” I asked, I pushed him into the hall and cracked the door open behind me.

“I just want to talk to you, about what happened.”

“There is nothing to talk about. We had sex. It was a mistake. I’m sorry to mislead you.”

“Mislead? You have to admit that you have some feelings for me.”

“No, I don’t. The one person I truly have feelings for is Cameron.”

“What? There has to be something there. Why else would you sleep with me?”

“I was high! You comforted me and I thank you. But there is nothing between us!”

“I have feelings for…”

“No. You don’t have feelings for me,” I said cutting him off, “it was a one time thing, it should have never happened and now you need to go.”

“But, Thirteen,” he stammered.

“Please, don’t make this harder on yourself. I need you to leave, I don’t want my girlfriend to find out.”

“She just did,” I heard and I opened the door to see Spencer standing in the hallway. I could see the pain in her eyes.

“Fuck. Thanks,” I said and closed the door on him, “baby listen.”

“No. I’m not interested in what you have to say,” she said as she started to gather her things.

“Baby please, it didn’t mean anything. I was high and…”

“Oh because that makes it so much more better,” she exclaimed throwing a shoe at me.

“No it doesn’t. I’m sorry. Spencer. Please look at me.”

“No. I can’t. I trusted you.”

“Baby,” I whimpered.

“And the worst part of this is, I actually fell in love with you,” she said and started to cry, “did you even love me?”

I paused. I shouldn’t have paused. Just say yes! It will make this situation go away. By pausing Spencer knew the real answer, she knew that she would always come second to Cameron. She didn’t deserve that.

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