Me and Emily Chapter 13

Sep 11, 2008 20:56

Title: Me and Emily
Author: nomoretearsAS
Rating: K+/PG
Summary:  When House discovers that Chase has a kid, he decides to find out more about both of them.  House/Chase friendship.
Disclaimer:  I don't own House, Chase, or any characters that you recognize.
Chapter: 13/?
AN:  Comments are love!!

AN:  Okay, don't know what happened with the text there...but I fixed it.  Sorry!!

The next morning, Chase did call Stacy. She gave him the number of a lawyer named Sean Mason and wished him good luck. Chase called Sean and told him everything that had happened. The good news was, that Chase had taken Emily to a hospital the day after he left, so there was a catalogue of her injuries. There was also a listing of HIS injuries. According to Sean, this was all very good news.

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But three weeks went by and Chase didn’t see or hear from Lauren. He hadn’t let his guard down, but he was beginning to relax. He had, of course, informed Maddie of what was going on. She was not to let Emily out of her sight, unless she was at preschool. He also requested that Maddie be the one to drop her off and pick her up. Not that she wasn’t already doing that, but it just made him feel better.

Emily did not ask about her mother again. In fact, it seemed she’d be perfectly okay forgetting about her. She did ask about House and Cuddy, though. Her day of playing in the hospital had been cut short and she wanted to do it again. But Chase was a little reluctant to bring her again. However, House and Cuddy made frequent appearances at his apartment, so she was happy about that.

Chase and Sean had worked out a game plan, if it came to it. Sean was optimistic that if Lauren hadn’t shown up yet, she wasn’t going to. Chase was less certain, but after two months had passed, even he had to admit that she probably didn’t care enough to try anything.

He couldn’t have been more wrong. It was a slow day in ICU, which was a good thing. Chase was hanging out in diagnostics, his pager and his cell phone on him. His phone rang and he glanced at the caller id, noting that it was Maddie, and he answered.

"Robert?" she asked. It was clear she was sobbing and Chase felt his chest constrict.

"Maddie? What is it?" he asked, sitting up straighter in the chair. Had he been paying attention, he would have noticed that House also sat up and turned off his gameboy.

"I came to pick up Emily, but she’s gone. The teacher said someone came to pick her up." she was crying so hard, it was hard to understand her.

"Are you at the school?" he asked, already jumping up and putting on his coat.

"Yes." she confirmed.

"I’m coming. Don’t leave. Have they called the police?" he asked, racing out of the room. House followed him, Chase didn’t notice.

"Yes, they’re on their way." Chase was shaking as he said goodbye to her and ran.

"Chase!" he heard from behind him. He didn’t stop.

"Emily’s gone." he said, trying not to lose it.

"I’m coming, wait for me." House said, trying to keep up with him.

"I’ll get my car and swing around for you." Chase agreed. He felt like maybe he could keep himself together if House were there. He raced to the parking lot, getting his car, and came back to the front and picked up House. He barely stopped, but House jumped in. "Maddie went to pick her up from kindergarten and she wasn’t there. Someone picked her up." He informed him.

"Lauren?" he asked.

"That would be my guess." he snarled.

"How?" House asked.

"I don’t know!" he snapped. "When this whole Lauren mess started, I went to the school and made it clear that only Maddie, her mother, or I could pick Emily up from school."

"Have they called the police?" House questioned. Chase nodded, no longer trusting his voice. They managed to make it to the school, without being pulled over for speeding (a minor miracle, House thinks). Chase pulls up to the front of the school and parks behind the police cars that are already there. Chase doesn’t wait for House as he rushes into the building. He spots Maddie right away and rushes over to her. She’s still crying and shaking.

"What happened?" Chase demanded of the professionals.

"It seems that someone came here to the office, said her name was Maddie and said that Emily’s father called and that he needed her right away. We followed protocol, checked to make sure Maddie’s name was on the list and then we got Emily and sent her out." The secretary defended.

"Didn’t you check ID or something?" he demanded.

"Of course I did! She HAD ID, saying that her name was Madeline Byerly." Both Maddie and Chase looked up at this.

"How the hell did she know your last name?" Chase wondered. A police man came up to Chase.

"Dr. Chase? My name is Officer Martin and I’m the lead detective in charge of this case. Do you know anyone who would want to kidnap your daughter?" Again, Chase came close to losing it. He felt House’s hand on his shoulder, took a deep breath, and turned to the officer.

"Yes, Emily’s mother. Her name is Lauren Holloway." Chase filled the officer in on what had been going on. That he had taken Emily five years ago, that Lauren had found them. When the cop was talking to the secretary and the principal, Chase called Sean and he told Chase he was on his way.

The good news was that Lauren had picked Emily up only a half an hour before the end of school. Chances were she hadn’t gotten far. An amber alert was issued through the state of New Jersey. And at the request of Sean, the alert had gone out to New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia. All airports, train stations, and bus stations had the alert in their hands within five minutes. Barricades had been set up at state lines and all vehicles were being searched.

Chase had given the police her picture and it was currently being sent to every news station in the area. They all tried to reassure him that they would find his daughter quickly and she’d be home safely soon. But all Chase could remember was the frightened image of his daughter’s face the last time she had met Lauren.

"She must be so scared." Chase choked out. House immediately placed his hand on Chase’s shoulder, and he was once again glad for the contact. He might have fallen apart and he wasn’t ready to do that yet. House had called Cuddy and let her know what was going on. She was very worried and wanted to come be with Chase, but House convinced her to stay at the hospital.

"Robert, you need to be calm. I know you’re terrified, but they’ll find her. And it won’t turn into a custody battle, I promise you that much. Lauren really kidnaped her. When you took her, it wasn’t a kidnap, you had custody. And remember, that you have sole custody of her. This won’t look good to a judge. In fact, she’ll face kidnaping charges." Sean tried to assure him.

"If she’s found. There are millions of children who go missing and are never found." Chase tried not to sound like he was giving up.

"She will be found." he said.

Hours passed and there was no word. No one had sene Emily or Lauren. Her picture had been aired on the twelve o’clock news, on the four o’clock news, and by the six o’clock news, Chase had given an interview to the press. He begged the public if anyone had seen Emily to please call and bring home his baby.

House, Wilson, and Cuddy were all camped out at his apartment. They didn’t want to leave him alone, and they also wanted to know what was going on. He had given the police permission to tap his phone in case she called. He called the police station every half an hour for an update. There had been several "sightings" but nothing to follow up on. It seemed as if Lauren had disappeared off the face of the planet, Chase’s daughter along with her.

Wilson made dinner, which Chase didn’t touch. Cuddy sat with him on the couch, their shoulders touching. It wasn’t sexual, just a friend comforting a friend. Chase’s heart ached more with each minute that passed. He wondered if Lauren was at least taking care of Emily. If she were frightened, if she was asking for him. But he had to stop that at once, because the image of Emily asking for him broke his heart.

He was watching himself on the ten o’clock news when House’s cell phone rang. "House." he answered. His face went pale and it took a lot to shock House. He handed Chase his cell phone, without a word.

"I knew you’d have the police tracing the calls from your own phone." said Lauren. He was almost physically sick.

"Where are you? Where’s Emily? Is she alright?" he begged. Wilson had gotten up and was calling the police from his own phone.

"Relax. She’s fine. She’s asleep. She loves spending time with her mommy." Lauren teased. Chase almost lost it. He knew that wasn’t true, Emily was scared of Lauren.

"Please, just bring her back. I promise, I won’t do anything. I just want her back." Chase begged.

"Now you know how I feel. I’ll call you later." she said, hanging up. She hung up over his protests. Chase lost it and finally began to sob.
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