Me and Emily Chapter Ten

Jul 27, 2008 21:21

Title: Me and Emily
Author: nomoretearsAS
Rating: K+/PG
Summary:  When House discovers that Chase has a kid, he decides to find out more about both of them.  House/Chase friendship.
Disclaimer:  I don't own House, Chase, or any characters that you recognize.
Chapter: 10/?
A/N: Just another short update.  Reviews make me happy :)

Chase was startled awake the next morning by the sound of the front door opening. He knew that he had locked it last night, so either someone was breaking in or someone had a key. There wasn’t enough noise for a break in, so someone must have a key. With a start, he realized that it was probably Maddie. Today he was supposed to go back to work. And in fact, he was supposed to be leaving right about now.

"Robert?" came a soft voice. Usually he was there to greet her, a pot of coffee going. He jumped out of bed and hurried out there. "Did I wake you?" she asked. "Am I early?"

"No, you’re not early. I forgot to set my alarm last night. So, technically you woke me, but it’s a good thing." he rambled. "Damn it." he muttered, rubbing a hand through his hair. No matter if he left right now, he’d still be late. He might as well take a shower and actually get ready then. He made a quick phone call telling the ICU that he’d be about an hour late. They were actually covered for once, so they told him it was fine.

Maddie made a pot of coffee while Chase jumped in the shower. He had slept better than he had in a long time last night. Once he was showered, he got dressed and gratefully took a cup of coffee from Maddie. They chatted a little bit, Maddie thanked him for inviting her and her mother yesterday. She told him that they’d had a wonderful time. She also said that she hadn’t seen Emily that excited in a long time.

Chase had let Emily sleep a little longer than usual, knowing that she was probably wiped out from the day before. And he didn’t want Maddie to have to deal with a whiny Emily all day. He woke her up, gave her a hug and kiss and bid her goodbye. She was a little tearful, having spent the last couple of days with him. He promised her that if he got a good report from Maddie that he’d bring her into work with him soon.

Work was the same as usual, people came in sick, they treated them and (hopefully) sent them home better. It was a busy day and he was glad when it was over and he could head home. He showered and changed and headed home. Emily and Maddie were at the kitchen table, coloring in a coloring book when he came in. Emily immediately jumped up and ran to him.

Chase grabbed her and threw her in the air, making her giggle. He hugged her close, thanked Maddie and she left for the day. Chase made them dinner and after they ate, he let her pick out a movie to watch. She picked out her newest movie, Enchanted, and together, they snuggled on the couch. By the time the movie was over, Emily was pretty tired. Chase gave her a bath and took her to bed.

He had brought home a new book to start reading to her. It was the first Harry Potter book. Cameron had brought it to work and told him to read it to Emily. He thanked her and took the book. Emily climbed into bed and Chase climbed in next to her. He lifted his arm as she cuddled close into his side. He read the first chapter and she was fascinated. He’d have to thank Cameron tomorrow. She begged him to keep reading, but he just kissed the top of her head, placed a bookmark in the book, and placed the book on her bedside table.

He left her room and went out to the livingroom. He tidied up some of Emily’s toys and cleaned up the dinner dishes. He clicked on the television and watched some TV show about a forensic scientist who worked with the FBI. He was only half watching, mostly very tired, but the show was interesting. Then he watched the news, at least enough of the news to see the weather (rain tomorrow, he sighed, rain always meant a lot of accidents pouring into the ICU). Finally, he clicked off the tv. Normally, he didn’t go to bed this early, but he was tired.

He actually remembered to set his alarm clock that night and was up, showered, dressed, and had coffee made when Maddie showed up today. She teased him that she was worried it was going to become part of her job to be his alarm clock and he laughed. He had made some cinnamon buns and he put one on a plate for her, along with a cup of coffee, fixed how she liked it.

The next couple of days went on like that. It took House about two weeks (and finally, a phone call from Emily) to get him to come back over to his house. Emily was thrilled to have him and it seemed that he actually liked her, too. He brought her a movie the first time he came back. He said she had too much "girly" stuff. Chase became a little worried at that, but the movie turned out to be "Meet the Robinson’s", a new Disney movie. Emily was so excited to have House there with him and she immediately put on her new movie.

Knowing that Chase would keep his mouth shut about whatever went on, he let Emily snuggle into his side and made her laugh by imitating the dinosaur ("I have a big head, and little arms") and tickling her until she gasped for breath and tears rolled down her face.

Chase would never admit it, but he enjoyed having House over. It was nice to have some company who’s age was in the double digits. Someone he could actually talk to and have a nice conversation with. And he was surprised to find that he truly enjoyed House’s company. When he wasn’t being a complete ass, the man was pretty interesting.

Cuddy had also taken a keen interest in his daughter. She would come over about once a week and do "girl time" with Emily. She would paint her nails, do her hair. Sometimes she took Emily shopping. Chase kept telling her that she didn’t have to do that.

Cuddy confided in him that she had tried to get pregnant, but wasn’t able. She was thrilled to have a little girl to play with. Emily called her "Auntie Lisa" now and she had become a sort of mother figure in the child’s life. Chase couldn’t think of anyone better.

Even after Cameron’s initial acceptance, she had a hard time getting over the fact that he never told her. Cameron became more detached from him...and from House as well. Of course, she believed, like Foreman, that House had known all along. But that was okay with Chase, Cameron was fun, she was a fling, but it would never have amounted to anything. He thinks that he probably kept up as long because he really had no one else to talk to, to have an adult conversation with.

But with both Cuddy and House now a big part of his life, he felt a void slowly being filled. He had really always worried about Emily growing up with no mother. She had Maddie, but Maddie was young. Cuddy’s friendship with his daughter meant more than he could express.

When a nurse from the ICU that Chase really liked asked him out, he agreed. He didn’t like to ask Maddie to stay anymore than needed, because she was young and he didn’t want her life consumed by taking care of a child. So he asked Cuddy if she would babysit. She of course, agreed. House, of course, found out and somehow managed to convince Chase to let him babysit.

He took her out for dinner and had a nice time. He probably wouldn’t go out with her again, she wasn’t really his type, but a date was nice. However, when he got home, he realized that letting House babysit hadn’t been a good idea. She was covered in chocolate.

"Uncle House gave me chocolate ice cream!" she said, happily. It was nine o’clock, she should have been asleep. But Chase could have even forgiven that, if it hadn’t been for what happened after "Uncle House" left. Chase cleaned her up and put her to bed. He was still sitting on his couch watching the news when a teary eyed Emily came out of her room.

"What’s the matter, sweetheart?" he asked her, concerned.

"I...I had a b...bad dream." she cried, flinging herself into his lap. He rubbed her back for a minute before asking her what it was about. "About Jack."

Chase barged angrily into the diagnostic conference room early the next morning. "You showed my daughter The Shining?" he demanded.

House looked innocent. "What? All she has are those Disney movies." he said. "She needs to be more well rounded."

"She’s five!" the others made themselves scarce.

"She liked it." House shrugged.

"No, she didn’t. She was up all night, she slept in my room! Next time you decide to show her a scary movie you get to spend the night holding her. She cried the whole night long. Kept saying that Jack was going to get her." House did look a little sorry, but he would never admit it.

"That’s ridiculous. Jack dies at the end." Chase looked like he could hit him.

"I’ll come over tonight and bring something else."

Chase glared. "You bring anything rated over G and I’m sending Emily home with you." he turned to leave, before turning back. "And no more ice cream that late at night!" As Chase stormed out, House laughed to himself.
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