Grimm: A Single Kiss

Feb 24, 2012 08:45

Title: A Single Kiss
Author: Serena-chan (hourglass244)
Fandom: Grimm
Pairing: Monroe/Nick pre-slash, Nick/Juliette mentioned
Rating: PG
Spoilers: None - Takes place sometime during the first season.
Summary: Why did it always have to be poisoned apples?
A/N: Written for Fluffy Porn Fest 1.0 at grimm_kink. Apologies for lack of porn.
DISCLAIMER: I own nothing.

~oOo~ )

one-shots, completed fics, community: grimm_kink, pairing: nick/juliette, rating: pg, grimm, slash pairing(s), pre-slash, pairing: nick/monroe

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Comments 6

toshiani007 February 24 2012, 14:18:47 UTC
Loved it!!!


captain91 February 24 2012, 15:24:31 UTC
fantastic, i love it


sallycandance February 24 2012, 21:24:21 UTC
Supercute! For a moment you had me worried there, though, and I'm glad Disney and Monroe were right ^.^

This is a great ficlet!


jux_ta_pose March 1 2012, 10:58:34 UTC
Hahahaha Oh thats brilliant! Thank You


freaky_nea March 15 2013, 10:48:05 UTC
I'm late to the party, but I started watching the show only a few weeks ago and had a craving for Nick/Monroe fics and this one is really cute!


hourglass244 March 16 2013, 03:29:01 UTC
Thank you!


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