Hope (6/?)

Aug 27, 2009 01:08

Title: Hope (6/?)

Fandom, Pairing: Torchwood, Jack/Ianto + other canon pairings
Rating: PG (for now ;D)
Genre: Angst, Drama, Romance
Disclaimer: Not mine. If they were... well series 3 would have been very different
Warnings: Spoilers for all series's i think. Especially Children Of Earth.
Short Summary: a young girl, a long way from home, could be the answer to everything. If only they had the strength to hope.
Notes: Gah, what is wrong with me? I keep having inspiration for this fic in the middle of the night, and so, naturally, i have to get up and write some more xD

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Gwen was the first to pluck up the courage to peer over the edge of the crater, closely followed by Chris and Martha, their faces identical mixes of terror, and intense curiosity.

“It’s a bit small don’t you think?” Gwen whispered, picking clumps of mud out of her hair, “Barely even a ship really.”

“Maybe they’re just really small aliens,” Chris whispered back, tapping away at the machine in his hands, a small grin on his face, “And why are we whispering?”

Gwen scowled, getting to her feet to get a proper look, “Just get on with the bloody readings.”

Chris did a quick scan, the grin still there, “No detectable radiation, or harmful gases in the area,” He reported, flicking through the results, “Slight electro magnetic charge, but weirdly enough, not coming from the ship,” He frowned slightly, “Seems to be coming from the one source of heat on board. Judging from this, I’d say a creature pretty similar to humans,” He flashed another grin at the women, “It’s a shame really, I was rather looking forward to a tussle with a couple of hundred tiny aliens.”

Martha hid her smile, coming to stand between her two comrades “So it’s safe for us to have a poke around?”

“Seems to be,” Chris shrugged, “As long as the poking isn’t too vigorous.”

The team laughed, taking the edge off the situation for a moment. Cautiously, they lowered themselves into the crater. For such a small ship, it had left quite an impact on the Welsh countryside.

As they neared the ship, they began to move more slowly, guns drawn, in a defensive formation, “Are you sure it’s alive, Chris?” Gwen asked, after neither seeing nor hearing any signs of life from within.

“Definitely, but from the state the ship, I’d say whatever it is won’t be in the best condition.”

The landing had really taken its toll on the little space craft. The crater was littered with chunks of metal, stripped from the ship upon collision with the Earth. Smoke rose from the ship itself and wires and pipes jutted crudely out from slashes in the metal.

Gwen led her team around the ruined, dome like, space craft until they located a small panel on one side. Her eyes flitted from her team-mates’ faces to the little door. They nodded in silent encouragement. She stretched out her hand, reaching for the submarine like cog on the door. She snapped her hand back, as her skin connected briefly with the blisteringly hot metal.

Heart pounding in her ears, Gwen pulled off her jacket and wrapped it round her hand. The metal whined and protested as she tugged at the cog, but eventually the door swung open. She aimed her gun into the ship and gasped, her eyes going wide.

Martha and Chris, startled by her gasp, peered over her shoulders. Their mouths fell open in surprise and shock.

“But…” Martha started, lowering her gun, “But that’s….”


tehee, cliff hanger (again)

comments please xx

fanfic, torchwood, series 4, hope, jack/ianto

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