I'd already been a big fan of Donna's work from the "Dreamery" comic and the later Stinz books, so when I was discovering anthropomorphics and found that Paul Kidd had done a game illustrated by her I had to try and get it. Think it was at Esdevium Games in Aldershot I picked it up (before Esdevium became the UK games distributor and ran one of the best little RPG shops in the country). Was still a lucky find though, it had sat on their shelves for ages because it just didn't appeal to the regular gamers there.
Comments 6
Wayne's Books is also selling a copy- http://www.waynesbooks.net/?page=shop/flypage&product_id=376808&keyword=Kidd,+Paul&searchby=author&offset=0&fs=1
Looks like it's the pdf version I'll have to tend with.
My copies of L & S are both in storage (I have the boxed set, and the revised paperback edition of the game). Haven't looked at them in ages.
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