
Mar 04, 2011 12:26

Soo I... wait, what was I gonna write again...? *scowls* Jibun ha Tarundoru! 
Let's do that art-dump..
They come in no particular order with fandoms and stuff.

Prince of Tennis, Ayakashi Kitan, Prince of TEnnis, Kamen Rider, Fuma no Kojiro, Prince of Tennis and more Prince of Tennis )

ooo, kamen rider, fanart, art, yukan club, happy birthday, prince of tennis, fuma no kojiro, den-o

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Comments 4

perkyandproud March 4 2011, 11:55:31 UTC
Yay for Art Dumps :-)

I've now seen all of Kamen Rider Blade and am halfway done with Kamen Rider Kabuto. What should I watch next? (Bearing in mind my preference for being able to watch the whole series at once, LOL!)


hotarukunn March 5 2011, 08:51:38 UTC
Yey~! ^^

The only ones I've finished seeing is Den-O, Decade, Kiva and W, and I'm somewhere in the middle of Kuuga, at the beginning of Blade and am following OOO (the new series)
The one I watched first was Den-O, meaning it's very close to me. It's filled with weird humor, though X3 As is W (to a lesser degree) and OOO. Otherwise... Kuuga, maybe? Or Kiva. I don't know which type of Kamen Rider you prefer. You can always look up who directed Blade and Kabuto, and see what more they've done, if you want something similar.
But if you want to watch it all right away, you might want to wait with OOO, since it's not finished (although it has between 20/30 episodes at)


perkyandproud March 7 2011, 03:17:36 UTC
Blade had some silly in it...and Kentarou just goes through an awful lot of milk! LOL...

I think I'll just pick one :-) I have a feeling I'll see them all sooner or later! :-)

Thank you for the new addiction. No. Reeeeallly. O_o



hotarukunn March 7 2011, 15:54:10 UTC
I have to remember to finish watching it *is rewatching Kiva*

Okay~ Random is good~

You're welcome =)

*grins back*


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