god I"m going to have fun with this one...."""your a dumb ass that can't add right either if she was born in 91 then then she would be 13 dumb ass""" Can anyone tell me why preps are on crack? Well for starters, the date said 1990, not 91, so I'm not sure where you got 91 and 13 from but I guess the cumshot impared your vision. Anyways, on to my point. If that is all you can come up with, a fuckin date, then that's pathetic, I think your MODERATOR was a little bit scared with all of the posts that were posted after that guy Aidyn posted. The MOD was so scared that she decided to delete the POST ENTIRELY!!! Hmm if that doesn't say "oh shit guys, we need to go find another website to pollute because people hate us" then I don't know what does. Take a hint, get pregnant, do some drugs *if not done already* get fucked 5 TIMES IN A ROW *you can thank your ugly ass MOD for that one, because that's one of the things she wants to do this year (sigh:::pathetic)* And to top off your shitty life, take a knife and slit your neck. Don't be a pussy
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Comments 14
show us where you promoted
youre so 14 not 15, if you are 15, the date doesnt match up.
other than that, maybe.
you arent even preppy
try wearing shirts with collars
and then pop them
if your head doesnt get in the way
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