Kink_Bingo: Deepthroating & Voyeurism

Jun 17, 2009 21:32

Okay, these are two short little drabbles that actually do satisfy my very first

kink_bingo  prompts.  Click here if you're interested in the card.  These two are in a line, but I've decided I will in fact go for blackout.

Warning:  The first one is more het than I've done before.  But, still not too explicit, I hope.

Title: Firecracker (mp3)
Pairing: Erica/Mark
Rating: NC-17
Author: h4hahn
Fandom: Grey’s Anatomy
Kink: Deepthroating

The slam of the door makes me nearly jump out of my skin.  Standing in front of the bookshelf, I fumble, attempting to not drop the open book.  There’s a hard edge to her features, more determined and resolute than normal. “Erica.”

She jerks her head towards my desk, shrugging out of her lab coat.  “Take your pants off.”

I close the book and turn towards her, wondering what kind of game we’re playing now.  Take my what…what?  “Excuse me.”

She reaches behind herself and I hear the lock click, her left brow rises.  “Take…your…pants off.  We’re doing this again.”

With two quick strides she’s on me, her head tilted up and forceful lips crushing against my own.  The book bounces quietly against the carpet and my hands grip her waist pulling her body flush.  Even after a fourteen hour day she can make the blood course through my veins with a sense of invigorated purpose.

The edge of the desk digs into the backs of my thighs, as she pushes and insists.  Long slender fingers inside the waist of my scrub paints.  She has the power to stun me into inaction, never before has anyone so blinded my every sense.  However, she has no patience for me, and truthfully I don’t mind at all.

We both push and tug drawing the pants away from my hips, lowering them mid thigh.  She pulls my bottom lip between her teeth, as her hands push my shoulders, forcing me to lean back on the desk.  She’s stronger than she looks, but in honesty, in her presence I’m weaker than I care to admit.

Twisting around, she grabs the desk chair and rolls it beneath her.  “Erica, you don’t - “

“Shut up, Sloan.”  She looks up at me, her fingers digging into the tops of my thighs. “I don’t balk at a challenge.”

But, her blue eyes challenge me.  Daring me to utter one more protestation, to make one move of cessation, to give her one single excuse to make this anymore excruciatingly erotic than it already is.  Maybe this is what she needs; to assume complete control.  To dominate me, to apprehend the situation on her terms.  And I don’t mind one damn bit.

That soft pink tongue dances slowly across her upper lip, pulling a groan from my throat.  She looks down and zeroes in on her target.  I twitch, the muscles in my lower abdomen drawing tight.  The soft cavern of her mouth, a wet slick tongue sliding across hot flesh, a scrape of teeth to remind me exactly who’s in charge.  My eyes roll back in my head.

After my pleadings and hints, and gentle encouragements in bed, all the long months of failed attempts led me to accept this would never happen.  And I was okay with that knowledge.  It was acceptable and tolerable; I was okay because everything else was amazing.  But…this is exquisite.  I brace my palms flat on the desk, behind me, so I won’t be tempted to urge her, to coax anything she’s not ready for.  But, there’s nothing to fear.  I sigh as her lips meet the skin of my groin and I feel her relax around me.  A tight sheath of wet velvet.  I hear a muffled moan from her mouth as she swallows me whole.  When the woman sets her mind to something, it fucking gets done.

Title: Let It Ride (mp3)
Pairing: Erica/OC
Rating: NC-17
A/N:  thank you jaguarjg for the inspiration
Author: h4hahn
Fandom: Grey’s Anatomy
Kink: Voyeurism

“Doug, do you hear that.”

“Hmm?”  I pull my attention from the television, turning my head towards the distance noise.  “It’s just Mary Jo in the pool again, sweetheart.”

She calls to me from the kitchen, where she’s baking something for Sunday School tomorrow.  “We should have bought a house with a pool, ya know?”

“Uh huh.”  I quietly lower the footrest on the recliner and rise to my feet.  “Sarah, the reception’s terrible down here.  I’m going up the bedroom to finish watching the tournament.”



I’ve recently discovered a Saturday entertainment that beats televised golf hands down.  Sliding the curtains back on our bedroom window, I see bronzed skin shining in the sun.  I crack the window, allowing the sounds of the pool splashing and their moans to drift into the quiet room.  Who would have ever thought I would get so much enjoyment from a neighbor’s pool without having so much as ever stepped foot inside the fence.

Their hair is slicked back from their heads, lips and tongues sliding along wet skin.  Breasts suspended in water, pebbled nipples teasing an invitation.  Licking my lips, I reach down and pull our new camera from the nightstand.  I pressed the sales guy on explaining the virtues of a telescopic lens, providing myself a cover to my wife’s questions.

I could never snap a single frame of them, but the detail alone was worth the money.  I can see the swipe of a tongue against the hollow of a throat.  The blonde’s fingers digging into Mary Jo’s shoulder.  A shapely thigh clinging to the curve of a hip.  They float and move in the water, riding the crest of desire.

The water, their position, obscures my view; but I catch the thrust of hips driving her hand between the blonde’s thighs.  Leaning back on the pool steps, her head falls back, baring a length of neck to Mary Jo’s hungry mouth.  They drive up against one another, creating ripples in the water that cascade away from their entwined bodies.

Their skin is so smooth and these moments haunt my dreams; the soft moans, the bounce of their breasts as they slide together, long legs wrapped around full hips. I can imagine the coolness of that water, the heat radiating off their bodies, the surge of energy they create in a moment of pure ecstasy.  Even from this vantage, the desire is palpable.

Mary Jo leans forward, pressing, driving, unrelenting in her pursuit.  I hear the deep gravely moan from the blonde, a curse breathed into the hot humid air.  Waves of water splash up onto the cement surrounding the pool, evidence of the sheer force of their passion.  She arches against Mary Jo, begging for mercy, entreating her with pleas and sighs.

I urge right along with her.  “Come on, baby.” I nod in affirmation, “That’s right, come on.”

The blonde cries out as Mary Jo pumps against her, surging fluidly against her.  “Fuck.”  “You know what to do Mary Jo; go on, fuck her.”

With a ragged cry, a rise against Mary Jo’s body, the blonde shudders; toes curling as her leg wraps around Mary Jo’s hip, drawing her close.

The second before her chin comes to rest on my shoulder, I sense Sarah moving behind me.  She follows my gaze down to the pool below our window.  Her low voice nearly makes my knees buckle.  “They’re beautiful, aren’t they?”

ETA:  Forgot, if any of you are interested in trying out a free Dreamwidth account I have five invite codes.  Just leave me a comment and I'll PM the first requesters.

This entry was originally posted at

kink_bingo prompt, merica, erica 'friggin' hahn

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