Frozen Yogurt (PG-13, Billy/Penny)

Aug 07, 2008 17:30

Title: Frozen Yogurt
Author: hanshi_woaini
Pairing: Billy/Penny
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Billy buys frozen yogurt in an effort to get closer to Penny.
Notes: Unbetaed. Based off the icon I used, the fact that I really adore Billy and that for the life of me I just found frozen yogurt that I enjoy that isn't just bland vanilla. My first attempt at this fandom so here's hoping it's okay. I wasn't sure how to tag this so I tried my best. I think because I'm nervous I'm not thinking straight.

Billy could do this. He could suffer through the bland taste of frozen yogurt if it meant getting closer to Penny. Actually, bland was too vague of a description. It was the taste of bland drizzled with bland. He wondered if maybe there was such a thing as chocolate frozen yogurt but then again, he wanted to prove himself to Penny and this seemed the way to go. Plus, if she liked vanilla then who was he to get all fancy?

"Two, please." Digging in his wallet, he cringed at the amount. Eight dollars. Eight dollars that better be well spent. Although in the large scheme of things, this would hopefully be the smallest amount he would spend on her. Not that he was made of money, but this was the first step to the next, dozen roses - a good $40 if he was lucky - and then back to the 'cheap' side of things, condoms. Wait. He had those. Didn't he? Or was he just looking at them one day, thinking that sometime soon he would use one with Penny. Maybe more than one. Shrugging, he took the bag and prepared himself for the two-block walk down to the Laundromat.

He could play stupid well: oh, look he has two. Crazy, that guy giving him two when he asked for one. Popping the spork from it's plastic; he took a moment to ponder why they gave you such a utensil for eating frozen yogurt. A spoon would suffice; you really didn't need the prong bits. It wasn't as if there was anything you needed to stab in frozen yogurt. Unless maybe some of it was actually frozen to the point where you had to stab at it and then ---

Focus. Focus.

He was just stalling. Giving Penny what he hoped was a smile instead of what actually felt like a crooked grimace. He poked the frozen dairy treat before attempting to act like he really wasn't being hesitant about eating it. Licking the spork clean he clenched his jaw, oh God, it was worse than he expected. Cardboard, he figured would taste better than this. But Penny sure enjoyed it. And that had to count for something. Maybe it was an acquired taste, like humus. At least with humus you had bread. If only there was something he could mask the taste with.

He briefly caught Penny's eye and grinned, "Good stuff."

Penny agreed.

Words! He spoke words that he hadn't practiced! And they didn't portray the disgust he was having inside his mouth. He could feel himself starting to grin somewhat madly and busied himself with digging in the frozen yogurt again for another sporkful. Sporkful. Spoonful? Forkful? Sporkful made the most sense. There he went again, going off on topic. What was he going on about before? Right. Something to mask the blandness. Glancing again at Penny, he smiled. Penny could mask this taste. Hell, she could mask the taste of the worst things ever - of which frozen yogurt was slowly gaining popularity on his list - with just one kiss. Not even a kiss, she could just look at him and he could get over everything. He leaned forward a bit but at the last minute, dug in the bag for a napkin instead. He was a weakling; he couldn't do it.


"Yeah?" Heart, stop beating so loud. She'll hear you.

"Thanks for this. I really needed it today."

"Yeah, sure." He shrugged, as if to throw off the gratitude. But, really, he was giddy on the inside. Maybe after a few more days of this, he could do it. He could get her to mask the taste. Or maybe by then he'd be used to it and actually enjoy it. But definetly kiss her either way.

Taking another sporkful, he swallowed.

Then again, maybe not.

type: het, length: ficlet (101-999 words), rating: frt (pg-13), author: hanshi_woaini

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