Title: Just For One Day (Part 1 of 4 or 5).
speakr2customrsCharacters: the entire Evil League of Evil, several henchmen including Moist, Johnny Snow.
Pairing: none yet, might be Tie-Die/Johnny Snow in Part 3 - if she’s still alive then!
Rating: PG so far, will rise to R later.
Word Count: 1,900Inspired by a comment made in this community by my Evil Twin
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Comments 4
You flesh out the characters so well from what little we were given. I love the idea that Prof Normal (you wrote Professor Hourglass once, btw) would feel threatened by Doc Horrible, but polymath!Fake Jefferson was brilliance!!
Can't wait how they deal with the nasties, and I wonder if the actual heroes will be any use at all!
I've written outline origin stories for the entire League - they probably won't appear in the story, although Tie-Die's may do, but they help me keep the characters consistent. Fake Thomas Jefferson really has to be a genius - I'm thinking of President Kennedy's comment, when he hosted a dinner at the White House for a bunch of Nobel Prize winners, that it was the greatest assembly of talent the building had seen since Thomas Jefferson dined alone. Although Fake Thomas Jefferson might be faking it!
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