53-I'll get out 'if it kills me' is a bit too dramatic; 'if it gets me punched' is better

Jul 05, 2011 14:09

[Action Post]

[Hammer runs- no, a better word would be charges- charges through the streets and up to a familiar building. The building that holds the deities' office. It comes of as much a surprise to anyone when he bursts through the first set of doors without any problem, or any sort of hired help blocking the way. In fact, as he ascends through the building, he hardly seems to encounter any sort of troubles at all, save for the fact that something is making him angrier and angrier as he goes along.

It is noon, after all. Even deities' employees need a lunch break.

It should be obvious when he reaches his goal; THE OFFICE OF THE CITY DEITIES is written in fancy lettering on the door that is otherwise the same as every other door he's passed. He opens it as effortlessly as the front door of building itself. There are a variety of figures standing around. The closest one, dressed in a white suit, idly sucking on what looks to be a cigarette speaks first.]

What the fuck does this look like? A barn?

I was promised that my wishes would be granted to me if I retrieved the items from the other worlds. And yet I still seem to be here.

[Next, an older looking man with glasses, snappily dressed.]

I think you have failed to recognize an inherent flaw in your understanding of this set of circumstances.  You want cause and effect.  Well, re-examine your narrative.

Additionally, there was a promise of return home to the one who gathered the most items. And yet I still seem to be here. Why is that?

[Now a brunette. Loud.]

Wah Wah WAH. That is all that Lina is hearing! I do not care for this noise din uproar. GO AWAY. Shoo!

I came to retrieve my prize, and if I do not, I will not hesitate to take action.

[A wild-looking woman with white hair who has sunglasses donned, despite the fact she's indoors.]

Mr. Hammer is rude! Loud spongy fusty cantankerous beetle-headed bovine-eyed butter-face!

[And that seems to really get under Hammer's skin. Saying only:] I warned you,[before reaching over and punching the speaker in the side of the face.

At first she looks like she might cry, but then it quickly turns to shock, and then anger as she, with seemingly no effort at all, lands a fist on his chest that sends him flying across the room. She grins, satisfied, and then blows on her knuckles, a job well done.]

[OoC: More details here! Mod-approved. Hammer is in regular text, and the others are Bertol, Laszlo, Lina, and finally, this is Mouse. This is an action-only post, but if you want to have seen Hammer or heard some commotion in the office, or want to yell at him because of the repercussions, feel free to comment here.]

city!hate, mean right-hook, plot, the city hits hard, punching time

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