.day nine

Jul 09, 2008 00:01

Day Nine
ninth july

1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 . 8

Day Nine )

day nine, quote

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Comments 13

la_victorienne July 9 2008, 00:31:01 UTC
title: i know time will slow
rating: r
pairing: jack/ianto
spoilers: 'exit-wounds'; set post-'journey's end' but no spoilers for it. also minor spoiler for 'the twilight streets' tie-in novel, but if you haven't read it then you won't even notice.
disclaimer: rtd and the beeb own pretty much everyone. i'll have to check, but they might even own me.
writer's note: also for the horizonssing day nine challenge. feedback welcome.
summary: watching ianto play piano, jack wonders if there's anything he can't do. also there is sex.

and can i say, insevens, this is one of the most beautiful prompts i've ever had, not just counting the previous ones for this community. i just love it. two thumbs up.


xaephyr July 9 2008, 02:07:21 UTC
Title: Dreaming Make-Believe
Rating: PG-13
Characters/Pairings: Implied Jack/Ianto.
Disclaimer: I don't own the characters, or Torchwood, and certainly not Cardiff. etc, etc.
Warnings/Spoilers: None that I can see.
Summary: One day, he knows he won't be able to fix this.
Author's Notes: Yes, I am aware that the title may not make sense, but I cannot currently think straight. 8D



lonerstarlight July 9 2008, 13:14:32 UTC
Title: Burning Solitude
Characters/Pairings: Jack (mentions of Jack/Ianto)
Rating: K
Genre: general
Spoilers: none
Summary: A dream can be a terrible burden but it can allow you to see that what matters is right here
Warnings: angsty fluffiness?
Disclaimer: Torchwood and the characters involved are property of the BBC
Word Count: 194
A/N: I finally back in order, I’ve been slow I know. Bit of depression here but I hope that it turns out ok. Written for horizonssing’s day nine challenge


Supernova (drabble) holdingoff July 9 2008, 13:54:57 UTC
Title: Supernova (drabble)
Characters: Jack & Ianto
Rating: PG
Spoilers: none

Supernova’s burn bright just as everything goes to black.


erin_giles July 9 2008, 17:34:51 UTC
TITLE: Cacophony of Life
AUTHOR: Erin Giles
DISCLAIMER: Torchwood and it’s characters are property of the BBC.
WORDS: 723
SUMMARY: Post Exit Wounds. All Ianto can hear in the aftermath is the music of a world broken in half. Angst.


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