This week's theme will be the Pyramids of Egypt! I apologize that I have no preview pictures because I have been grounded for a week and am not allowed to use Photoshop. Hopefully you'll like the images I have found, seeing as pyramids and sand don't have much color I found some more unique photos and even a few illustrations so enjoy!
Please observe the guidelines below:
[*] All entries are due by 8:oo pm EST, Friday July 27th. NO late entries will be accepted.
[*] You may submit a maximum of three (3) icons.
[*] All effects are allowed except for animation.
[*] Your submission must fit LJ standards (100x100 / 40K or less .jpg, .gif or .png)
[*] For the full set of rules click
[*] Make sure that your submissions includes both the icon and the URL
I have provided 20 images for your convienence, since I couldn't make preview thumbnails this week, to view an images click on its description. Anyhow feel free to use any of these images but if you'd like to use an image of your own you MUST PROVIDE ME WITH THE ORIGINAL FULL SIZE IMAGE, this is just to make banner-making easier. (Credit to
Silluetted pyramids at sunsetFisheye view from above of the pyramidsMisty day at the pyramids (lots of blues)Pyramids and horsemen in the distance (lots of yellows)Sphinx with pyramids in the distanceSilloute of a pyramid and palm tree at sunsetPyramids under a pastel skySun breaking through the clouds over the Gaza StripThe Gaza Strip at twilightPyramid with a cloud directly overheadCamels crossing the desert, pyramid in the backgroundMoon over the siluetted pyramidsCamel and rider pass a pyramidIllustration of travelers resting near the pyramidsIllustration of travelers drinking from the NileView of Cheops from inside a taxiDarker image of a cluster of pyramidsSiluette of a camel rider and pyramidTransfer image of a pyramid and people belowBlack and white image of a rough pyramid