Title: A Picture's Worth (Part 1/?)
hoperoyFandom: Smallville
Rating: NC-17 (eventually)
Pairing: Clark/Lex,
Word count: 4,397
Warnings: Mentions of underage sex.
Summary: Pictures don't lie, even when Clark and Lex do. It's possible that a little truth is exactly what they need-even if it turns their lives upside down.
Author's Note: This takes
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Comments 43
I'm sorry, but I missed a correction:
Chloe's answering laugh was bitter. "Something green, maybe? You don't know how much he's aware of when it come to you. And why would he ask you to come to the mansion?"
Should be comes. :-D
Honestly, I think the largest reason Lex is annoyed is because someone dared to exploit his personal pictures of Clark. That's kind of all he's got left of what they had. Blackmail he's dealt with before--the rest is new.
Should be comes. :-D
That's okay--I fixed it. :)
Chloe's refusal to leave Clark's side made me smile. I wonder what she'll say when she sees the pictures. I have a feeling she's a bit of a fangirl at heart.
Great start! All the stories on your poll sounded incredible and I'm so happy that you're sharing with us. *g*
You should pity them. Lex is pretty mad, and he's only going to get angrier when Clark gets involved. As much as he does love Clark, they tend to rub each other the wrong way at times.
So, I'd probably give one of your a shot. See where it goes.
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