Title: Meet (the) Doctor Spencer Reid
runriggersCharacters: Doctor Spencer Reid (The Doctor), Aaron Hotchner, Jason Gideon, Penelope Garcia, Elle Greenaway, Derek Morgan, David Rossi, Jennifer ‘J.J.’ Jareau
Series: Alien!Spencer Verse
Warnings: crossover, spoilers for Revelations
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 2,844
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Comments 29
;) It's a great concept. Plus uber fun to write.
Reid as the Doctor just struck me randomly. It's fun because he's innocent and ancient. Also I love his quirkness.
I like Morgan/Garcia! It's like the only het pairings I can stomach. Thanks for your vote!
I personally see Moran/Reid as more of a bromance. I can't see romance between the two of them. So I guess my vote goes to Hotch/Reid, even though that's not my otp in CM. But I don't know if the Doctor is ready for a romance. I sort of see 11 as the Lonely Doctor, actually.
I know. Really I'm just curious. Because I'm on the fence for pairing or no. Still I just want the Doctor/Reid to end up happy.
Plus this fic series is supposed to be fun. It's not like heavy OMG angsty stuff. Not like I don't like that. It's a balance between the heaviness and the levity both shows have and trying to mesh it together.
Really this series is just about enjoyment.
But hey, if you brought back Martha and Jack (I'm assuming Reid was hanging out with them when Elle saw him) maybe Donna could make a reappearance? She was just so awesome...
Love that JJ knows, Emily suspects a lot more directly than Morgan and Hotch, and Gideon was just plain freaked. Super awesome.
Personally, I like it best when the Doctor isn't paired with anyone. Don't get me wrong, I love the banter and flirtation, but not so much with the actual pairing. That said, it's not like I'd stop reading if you paired him up with a member of the BAU.
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