some thoughts that were getting too rambly for twitter

Jun 26, 2012 16:21

I just read this article by Lisa Belkin at the Huffington Post and I find myself a little frustrated, I guess. She says that the rampant helicopter parenting and spoiling of children is just emblematic of a society that prizes getting to the top of the mountain first instead of learning how to be a functional adult. I guess in some ways that's true ( Read more... )

thoughts, rant

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Comments 10

junjou_robotica June 26 2012, 20:42:17 UTC
oh, that TED talk! I haven't watched it yet, but I have her book about the same of yet haven't read it, but school was sort of in the way of being able to take anything in properly.

I think, being one of those 'kids these days'...I'm in agreement with pretty much all of this. and that is fully taking into account just how much time I personally spend online. (I am having trouble thinking of anything beneficial to say...meep.)


canttakeabreath June 27 2012, 01:46:50 UTC
"alone together" is a great book if that's the one you mean. it's a very emotionally tough read, but i frequently encourage friends to do it. it will be painful how much you have to realize about yourself and how you use social media to validate your feelings and how dangerous that is, but it's a good read.


junjou_robotica June 27 2012, 06:51:46 UTC
it was you who recommended it, actually. ♥


canttakeabreath June 27 2012, 06:54:53 UTC
sobs i remember this i just was unsure if you picked up that one or one of the previous ones u____u



syntheticjesso June 26 2012, 22:30:43 UTC
"They are more likely to live with their parents or depend on them financially into what we used to call adulthood, but they are also more likely as adults to consider their parents confidantes and friends ( ... )


canttakeabreath June 27 2012, 01:45:40 UTC
such a good talk. and i agree--turkle is very very clever. she's right. we have lost the ability to communicate with people because we are so used to filtering our life experience through the internet that we don't know how to deal with real life.

god i fucking miss your house.


pscopathictiger June 27 2012, 03:49:43 UTC
HI REMEMBER ME? I EXIST. Also, dropping by to say that uh, I completely agree, holy shit. I cannot handle the girls that go to my school who do not know how to function! It's kind of embarrassing! Like, I am embarrassed FOR them and then I just get mad at them and want to shake them. Or push them down the stairs.

uh. anyway, that's all. hi!


burger June 27 2012, 18:21:31 UTC
DEFINITELY AGREE. You probably saw some of this in the behaviour of my former housemates, I definitely did. Their parents did too much for them and some of them came from pretty well-off families who bought them whatever they wanted. Not that being rich automatically = being spoiled, but when your dad buys you two new Blackberries straight away after you get drunk and lose them, then... yeah, haha. They had no concept of cleaning up after themselves and that's just unthinkable to me. How could you be raised in a way that lets you think that leaving things to have MOULD growing on them was acceptable? I guess their parents always cleaned up for them but when you move out and have your own place you HAVE TO CLEAN AND TAKE VARIOUS GENERAL RESPONSIBILITIES ( ... )


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