Itsuki Koizumi~ ♥ I was just recently acquainted with Pearl ,if you look up in the entry.
[[ ooc: Frankly, Koizumi's so good at predicting what people are reading it hardly matters. By reading this conversation he was able to figure out that Pheonix was likely doubting his ability to keep track of people ]]
... First, Maya's not-- (ER, Pearls can read this easily... best not to mention anything)... she's not helpless. She's strong enough to deal with this just a little bit longer until we find her. Second, I haven't lost them. Losing them would be if I gave up on them, which I won't and I never will.
Thirdly... I know I upset Pearls, but I'll make it up to her.
[lkfgibljfiuyghsjiu oh my god THANK YOU SO MUCH ;__; That's such a huge complimentlkdfsjglkdfhgiokhdf thank youuuu]
Oh you misunderstand, I wasn't making an accusation, I was merely stating and observation that Maya appears to not be here, and you were likely thinking that it appeared you were prone to losing people.
Maybe she and Maya are together. I bet they are. Let's look for her, too.
[FYI! The blue text are Phoenix's thoughts. :>]
[[ ooc: Frankly, Koizumi's so good at predicting what people are reading it hardly matters. By reading this conversation he was able to figure out that Pheonix was likely doubting his ability to keep track of people ]]
[Oh! I wasn't criticizing you. I was just letting you know, 'cause those unfamiliar with the game might be like, 'wtf blue small whaaaat']
[[ ooc: I adore the series and love you for playing him, actually. Part of the reason I signed on here was because of the well-done Phoenix. ]]
Thirdly... I know I upset Pearls, but I'll make it up to her.
[lkfgibljfiuyghsjiu oh my god THANK YOU SO MUCH ;__; That's such a huge complimentlkdfsjglkdfhgiokhdf thank youuuu]
[[ ooc: Uh... 'kay. ]]
[...? sorry? It was a nice compliment, that's all.]
[[ ooc: No, no. It's just... yeah. Got spazz? I should be used to it~ ]]
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