The too-lovely-for-her-own-good Stephanie Burgis is doing an ARC give-away of her debut novel, A Most Improper Magick, which will be published by Atheneum on 20 April 2010.
It's a fantasy set in Regency England, featuring cross-dressing girls, highwaymen and magical mirrors and it all sounds like a ripping read.
If the above has tempted your fancy, then check out Stephenie's website
here, which will give you a better description of the book than my own sorry effort plus a sneaky peeky of the first chapter.
And if all that's got your chomping at the bit to try and get your hands on an ARC, then check out Stephanie's LJ
here and follow her instructions for how to enter the contest. (But please don't feel the need to enter, because the few competitors there are, the better my chances of winning - mwah ha ha ha ha ha!).