The Danse Macabre

Mar 06, 2010 22:02

Title: The Danse Macabre

Author: Hook_Knife666

Pairing: VAM with Bam topping. ALWAYS Bam topping.

Rating: R through NC-17

Summary: Everything was fine in the beginning. They were married and in love. After a stunt gone wrong, where Bam ends up hitting his head, he develops a disorder that makes him beat Ville one minute…and then forgetting he ever did it the next. How will Ville survive when he finds out he’s pregnant…with Bam’s twins?

“Dude, he’s going to kill us.”

Raab giggled, holding the bucket of ice cold water above his head. “He’s going to kill us and our ghosts, especially if we get his princess wet.”

Raab and Dunn looked down on the large king-sized bed. The black comforter was wrapped around two sleeping brunettes.

Bam was snoring lightly; his face nestled in the silky looking chocolate locks of Ville, who was sleeping on his side with his back to Bam’s bare chest. His long, shaved legs were bent at the knees, his painted toenails seen through the dark covers.

“Hey, Bam!” Dunn cried, eyes sparkling with mischief, “Wake up!”

Raab tipped the bucket over, laughing loudly as the cold liquid surrounded the sleeping couple.

Ville’s eyes shot open and he let out a high-pitched squeal. He jumped from the bed, shuddering as the drops of water slid into his silky sleeping pants. He tried to move and slipped on some water, falling straight into Ryan’s arms.

Bam sat up and growled, brushing his wet hair away from his face. He turned dark blue eyes to Raab. “…You’d better fucking run.”

Raab immediately bolted, Bam right behind him, yelling curse words.

Ville glared at Ryan, who grinned at him cheekily. “Don’t you idiots have anything better to do?”

“Hell no.” Ryan stood, helping Ville up, “Hell, Bam’s done shit to me and Raab that was ten times worst than what we did.”

Ville snorted before walking towards the shower, running a hand through his wet hair. “So childish.” He shut the door in Ryan’s face before heading over to the tub, filling it with warm water. He slipped off his sleeping pants, the silk material sliding down his pale legs in a caressing manner, and sunk into the warmth.

He smiled as the door opened, hearing Bam cursing his friend under his breath as he locked the bathroom door.

Bam slipped off his boxers and slid into the tub behind Ville, bringing the Finn into his arms. He sighed, enjoying the feel of Ville’s back against his chest. Slowly, he began to rain kissing all over the porcelain neck.

“Mmm,” Ville tilted his head a bit. “Did you get Raab?”

“Nah, the fucker is out the door listening in on us with Dunn.” Bam bit onto Ville’s neck, mouthing the skin roughly as Ville quivered in his arms.

“Bammie,” Ville whined, “I don’t want them to hear us!”

“But I do,” Bam growled playfully, moving his hands down Ville’s front. He grasped Ville’s smooth thighs and pried them apart roughly, leaving nail marks in its wake.

“Owe, fucker,” Ville hissed, reaching back to smack Bam’s chest.

“Sorry,” Bam chuckled before lifting Ville’s knees, positioning them over the tubs sides. He moved one finger down to the beautiful Finn’s tight little pucker, rubbing it gently.

The high-pitched sound that Ville emitted caused Bam’s dick to jump.

“Holy fuck, did you hear that?” Dunn asked Raab through the closed door.

“Hell yeah, I did! Hey, Bam, when’d you start cheating on Ville with a chick?!”

Bam snickered, watching Ville’s skin turn pink. “So pretty…” he shoved one of his long fingers into Ville’s ass, arm tightening around the green-eyed male as he bucked. “Like that?”

Ville nodded weakly, eyes closing tightly in pleasure, “Bammie…oh fuck…Bammie, please,”

“What does baby want?” Bam purred, tugging Ville by the hair so that his head would land on his tanned shoulder. From this angle, he could see Ville’s pretty cock throb in need. “Do you want my cock?”

Before Ville could answer, there was a loud knocking on the door, followed by a woman’s voice.

“For fucksake, Ape, what the hell do you want?!” Bam whined, feeling Ville shiver in his arms.

“I want you downstairs right now! All your friends are here and I am not going to amuse them for you!” Ape yelled.

“Fucking Christ,” Bam muttered before slowly pulling his finger out of his husband.

Ville panted and moved his hair away from his eyes. “I really have to say sweetheart, that I hate your friends.”



“Could you stop raping your princess for more than a minute, Bam?”

Bam flipped Rake the middle finger, tonguing his husbands mouth roughly. He pulled away to let Ville breath and he smirked, enjoying the flustered look on that pale face.

“Are we gonna go board, Bam, or are ya gonna keep molesting poor Ville?” Novak picked at his nails, watching the couple.

“If you’re gonna bitch about it,” Bam murmured, moving Ville off his lap onto the couch. “I’ll be back in a few, Willa.”

“Bye, Bammie.” Ville stretched out on the couch, watching Bam and his friends leave the room.

He nuzzled into the couch cushions, his eyes on the ceiling. Something small and furry jumped onto his chest, startling him a bit. He smiled at the cat, “Hey there, Trouble,” he rubbed the kitty’s ears. “Where’s Mischief?”

The cat purred in response, cuddling up to Ville’s chest.

Ville smiled and turned his head into the pillow, thinking of sleeping for a bit.

Until his stomach rumbled.

Blinking, he moved a hand down his stomach before shrugging and sitting up. He walked over to the kitchen, opening up the fridge.

“Hello, dear,” Ape said, coming into the kitchen. She smiled upon seeing Ville look for something to eat. “Are you hungry? I could make you something.”

“Thanks mama,” Ville smiled, opening the freezer and taking out a tub of rocky road ice cream. “I think I’ll just stick with this.”

Ape raised a brow, “Since when do you eat ice cream?”

“Never,” Ville admitted, “but I have such a strong craving for it.” He popped the lid and grabbed a spoon, heading back to the couch to share the ice cream with Trouble.

It was odd. He usually didn’t eat dairy products and ice cream was definitely something he didn’t normally have as a snack.

But oh well.

Couldn’t mean anything.

Hehe. Or so he thinks. XD! Comment, please?


vam, abuse, m-preg

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