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Comments 16

iontas January 29 2014, 00:14:19 UTC
I loved this story. The art is awesome. I love how the guys are under the water. And the car going in is awesome. And the monster is scary.

I must admit that I got really excited thinking it was a new story, you are such a great writer. But I will happily read this again!


thruterryseyes January 29 2014, 02:52:14 UTC
I appreciate that. I've thought about writing some new ones but it seems like all you ever see anymore is slash, which while I do read it, doesn't interest me as a writer. Trying to find regular H/C stuff to read is really hard and I'm not sure anyone even wants to see it anymore unless it ends with Sam and Dean or some other combo having sex. Maybe I'm just to old a dog.


metallidean_grl January 29 2014, 06:40:56 UTC
I look forward to reading your fic. I am with you in regards to slash. I don't like it at all, and hate the thought of H/C that ends up with the brothers having sex. I really don't get that either.

I am someone who looks forward to some good old fashioned H/C between brothers, nothing more, nothing less, and eat up those kinds of fics. There is still an audience for those. But I do agree, it does seem lately that slash/wincest is all we see, in fics being posted and/or searched for.

I don't have this one saved, so I will definitely be reading this one as soon as I am finished reading the multi-chapter I am reading at the moment. I do enjoy your stories, so really looking forward to reading it.


thruterryseyes January 30 2014, 00:41:19 UTC
I hope you enjoy it. Almost all my stories are about destroying Dean in some way and then Sam seems to always manage to save him. Except for Chipping Away. Which I recommend you read. Have tissues handy. It's not a death fic, but I've been told it's wrenching. All my stuff is at fanfic.net or at thruterryseyes.com.


witchy78 January 29 2014, 07:25:30 UTC
OMG ! I've read this story like... ages ago ! lol ! I hope you'll have lots of readers cause it's a great fic as all your other fics ;o)


thruterryseyes January 30 2014, 00:42:19 UTC
God, ages ago... I feel so old. Well come to think of it....


witchy78 January 30 2014, 07:11:51 UTC
Well it must be what ? like... 10 years ago isn't it ? See : ages ago ;-) I feel old too saying this.


thruterryseyes January 30 2014, 14:18:25 UTC
I can't believe it's been almost 10 years...marriages have lasted less time.


apieceofcake January 29 2014, 14:29:06 UTC
I remember reading this and really enjoying it :-)


thruterryseyes January 30 2014, 00:43:47 UTC
I need to write some new stuff. I just want to get the old stuff that works on hoodietime posted. I have some drabbles that might be expanded into complete stories. They involve nail guns and rats and stuff...


apieceofcake January 31 2014, 12:27:25 UTC
I hope you do, and I will read them :-)


boysinperil February 2 2014, 02:16:42 UTC
Just because slash and/or sex are vocal doesn't mean there's not a quiet group of folks out here who love gen, especially gen h/c. Don't stop writing!


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