It's been so long since we've communicated. I fell out of fandom back in 2015 but was tapering off for at least a couple years before that. I was thinking the other day that the one thing I really miss about fandom was the connections I've made. Unfortunately, when my love for Show waned, I let go of those connections and friendships and I am sorry I did.
I am hoping that we can reconnect and maybe find that we have more than a Show in common.
Feel free to email (ntaxis AT gmail DOT com) anytime!
Comments 1
It's been so long since we've communicated. I fell out of fandom back in 2015 but was tapering off for at least a couple years before that. I was thinking the other day that the one thing I really miss about fandom was the connections I've made. Unfortunately, when my love for Show waned, I let go of those connections and friendships and I am sorry I did.
I am hoping that we can reconnect and maybe find that we have more than a Show in common.
Feel free to email (ntaxis AT gmail DOT com) anytime!
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