Jun 25, 2014 17:37

Title: Beam Me Up
Spammed by: JJ1564 - lyrics by Pink
Rating: Gen - lots of angst though
Summary: After my last Pink-inspired picspam, the lovely meus_venator shared with me the lyrics to 'Beam Me Up', saying 'It reads as a Death fic to me. I see Jared dead and Jensen left behind and he is aching to join him, just catch a glimpse of his soft hair, his sweet smile.' And I said I saw it as Sam dying in 'All Hell Breaks Loose' and then I just HAD to do this.
I added Sam's death to the subject line in case anyone expected a Star Trek spam!
Disclaimer: I don't own Sam, Dean, the pics or the song. I own the heartbreak though!

Beam Me Up

There's a whole other conversation going on
In a parallel universe

Where nothin' breaks and nothin' hurts
There's a waltz playin' frozen in time

Blades of grass on tiny bare feet
I look at you and you're lookin' at me

Could you beam me up
Give me a minute
I don't know what I'd say in it

I'd probably just stare
Happy just to be there holdin' your face

Beam me up
Let me be lighter
I'm tired of bein' a fighter

I think a minute's enough
Just beam me up

Saw a blackbird soarin' in the sky
Barely a breath I caught one last sight
Tell me that was you sayin' goodbye

There are times I feel the shiver and cold
It only happens when I'm on my own
That's how you tell me I'm not alone

Could you beam me up
Give me a minute
I don't know what I'd say in it

I'd probably just stare
Happy just to be there holdin' your face

Beam me up
Let me be lighter
I'm tired of bein' a fighter

I think a minute's enough
Just beam me up

In my head I see your baby blues
I hear your voice and I
I break in two and now there's
One of me with you

So when I need you can I send you a sign
I'll burn a candle and turn off the lights
I'll pick a star and watch you shine

Just beam me up
Give me a minute
I don't know what 'd say in it

I'd probably just stare
Happy just to be there holdin' your face
Beam me up

Let me be lighter
I'm tired of bein' a fighter
I think a minute's enough

Beam me up
Beam me up
Beam me up

Could you beam me up.............

Credits - all images from and Pinterest

Song by Pink & here's the link...

death, crying!dean, [setting: season 02], depression, hugs/cuddling, grief, [genre: gen], emotional pain/hurt, &art/graphics (picspam)

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