Art rec

Sep 19, 2013 18:23

Just because I'm in the need for Dean h/c and maybe others are, too.

Here, have some Dean h/c art: (and I'm not giving specific reccer's comments on each one, because each and everyone is bloody awesome and I could look at them for hours...) Some are just hurt!Dean, the others have Castiel, and a bit of h/c, in them, but aren't really Dean/Cas (in case that's not your thing).

Title: Breakdown
Artist: thruterryseyes

(I meant to put the rest under a cut but I just couldn't get the bloody thing to work. Sorry!)

Title: And When I Dream...
Artist: thruterryseyes

Title:Male. Late twenties. Severely injured. No ID in his wallet.
Artist: petite_madame

Title: SPN: Raise You Up
Artist: le-shae

Title: Rain
Artist: gassadaa

Title: Arms of an Angel
Artist: thruterryseyes

ETA: Edited to fix links and titles.

exhaustion, carried!dean, cuts/lacerations, [character: castiel], &art/graphics (digital), hospitalization, !recs, bruises/bruising

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