[Art] Read my lips (done for Challenge 6)

Jan 24, 2012 02:46

Title: Read my lips
Artist: petite_madame
Characters: Dean
Genre/pairing: Gen
Rating: G
Spoilers: None
Warnings: Just a bit of blood
Summary: Created for
hoodie_time’s Dean-focused h/c fic and art challenge to fill the following prompt: Dean with dirty bandaged fingers and a split lip, maybe dragging his thumb or said fingers across his bleeding, plush kissable lips. Eyes closed or half-lidded so we can see those lovely lashes. (Objectify? Me? Naww.) by rainylemons
Notes: OP seems to have a eyelash!kink (I'm sure it exists ^^) so I drew Dean with particularly long and visible eyelashes :3

I said I wouldn't take part to this challenge but quickreaver came to kick my ass on Twitter, so...In addition, when I saw the prompts, I realized how weak I was in front of some hurt!Dean.. :/

Photoshop CS4 - Paint Tool SAI, around 6-7 hours.

.challenge 6, &art/graphics (digital), scars, [genre: gen], blood-loss, bruises/bruising, pretty!dean

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