Challenge 6: A Dean-focused h/c fic and art challenge / PROMPTING POST

Jan 10, 2012 18:32

ETA: This post is now CLOSED for making new prompts. Thank-you, prompters! ♥

Please don't leave your claims in this post. Claiming can be done here HERE in the claiming post.

Rules for prompting )

.challenge 6

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bellatemple January 11 2012, 06:15:12 UTC
Early s.7, circa "The Mentalist" -- One of Dean's unspoken rules is that only one of the Winchester brothers can be in crisis at a time. And hey, he figures after everything that's gone down lately, Sam deserves to have his turn, right?

He doesn't care what the little shifting shapes and creatures in the shadows say, he's fine, dammit.

(Yeah, basically Dean's having creepy hallucinations but determined not to let it show/get to him because he thinks that Sam's trauma is more important and should be everyone's focus, right now.)


mad_server January 11 2012, 06:24:12 UTC
Poor dude!


(The comment has been removed)

bellatemple February 23 2012, 01:41:18 UTC
I typically prefer gen, but I'm not super particular, no. Write what you wanna write, yo.


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