a friending meme/intro post for fans of Dean-focused hurt/comfort!

Oct 20, 2011 16:05

I promised a friending meme to celebrate the milestone of us passing 1000 members! \o/ So, here it is.

banner © smilla02

A friending meme/intro post
for fans of Dean-focused h/c!

Promote this:

smilla02 has awesomely created not one, but TWO beautiful banners for this meme. <333 Check out this post for these promotional banners and codes.

How to participate:

This is a meme for fans of Dean-centric hurt/comfort, so you TOTALLY don’t have to be a watcher or member of the comm to participate, but you should be a fan of Dean and his epic manpain. ;D

We all must know how these things work by now, but just in case - you copy, paste, and fill out what you want to from the comment form below as a comment to this post, say hey to anyone who you think looks like fun, and hopefully make some new friends in the process. There’s also an option in the comment-form for those of you that aren't looking for new friends, but just want to introduce yourself, say hey, and talk about the show and/or h/c with likeminded folks.

I only ask that there are no spoilers for future eps, character/pairing bashing, or rudeness in general, pleeease.

Feel free to PM hoodietime or e-mail hoodietime [at] gmail [dot] com if you have any questions about the meme.


Just, copy, paste, &
fill out the ones you want.

Age & location:
How are you involved in fandom? (ie: author, artist, vidder, beta, voracious reader, etc.)
Other fandoms?
Looking to friend or just introducing yourself?

Favourite characters:
Favourite ships, if any:
Wincest, y/n?
RPF/J2, y/n?
Spoilerphobe, spoiler-crazy, or none of the above?

Talk to us about your thoughts on hurt/comfort. (How/when did you first discover your love for h/c, whatever.)
What’s your fave kind of h/c, if any? (ie: emotional hurt, physical hurt, illness, etc.)
What other characters do you read h/c fic about, if any? (On SPN, or otherwise.)
Anything else?

➽ This post was compiled by maypoles and is posted under this account for organizational purposes.

.friending meme, *fun stuff

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