to the rescue! recs [gen, Sam/Dean, Smith/Wesson]

Sep 12, 2011 12:16

Or, fics where Dean gets into a spot of trouble and has to be bailed out by someone else. Most of these are older, but I’ve just discovered them, and I hope you love them as much as I did :) If you know of more, please leave them in the comments!

Title: Deliver Us
Author: salacious_newt
Tags: captivity, cuts/lacerations, missing (kidnapping/abductions/etc.) physical assault/abuse, restraints/ropes/handcuffs, sexual assault (non-con), unconsciousness
Characters: Dean, John, OMCs
Genre/pairing: gen
Rating: R
Word-count: ~6,600
Spoilers: none
Warnings: Hurt and sick!Dean here. Bondage, kidnappings, whippings, sexual coercion, molestation, threatened noncon of a minor (Dean is 17), language, and overall dark themes.
Summary: When Dean is taken to pay off John's debts, he's given a choice in how he can settle up but doesn't care much for his options.
Reccer’s comments: salacious_newt does a fantastic job conveying the utter despair of this scenario while keeping younger Dean wonderfully in character.

Title: Cornered
Author: scullspeare
Tags: amnesia/memory loss, captivity, drugged, missing (kidnapping/abduction/etc.), unconsciousness
Characters: Dean, Sam, Castiel, OCs
Genre/pairing: gen
Rating: PG-13
Word-count: ~10,000
Spoilers: Set in Season 5. Contains references to events in episodes up to, and including, Abandon All Hope.
Warnings: none
Summary: Dean regains consciousness to find himself locked up in a dark cell with Sam, and neither brother has any idea how they got there - or why.
Reccer’s comments: You get the sense that something is off - very off - but it all makes sense with the reveal. Plus, it’s got glorious protective Sam, with bonus Castiel that was just right :)

Title: I Got You
Author: silentpoetry1
Tags: blood-loss, concussion/head trauma, hospitalization, missing (kidnapping/abduction etc.), torture, unconsciousness
Characters: Sam, Dean
Genre/pairing: Sam/Dean overtones
Rating: R
Word-count: 3,600
Spoilers: none
Warnings: mentioned violence
Summary: After two days, Sam finds where there keeping him. After two days, Sam finds him beaten and bloody.
Reccer’s comments: Quietly horrifying, and a beautiful look at a determined Sam taking care of Dean and doing what he thinks he needs to do.

Title: One For Sorrow
Author: embroiderama
Tags: captivity, fainting/collapse, missing (kidnapping/abduction/etc.), torture, unconsciousness
Characters: Dean, Sam
Genre/pairing: gen
Rating: R
Word-count: 3,167
Spoilers: none
Warnings: violence, aftermath of torture
Summary: Dean’s missing. Sam’s searching.
Reccer’s comments: I love embroiderama’s use of imagery here, as well as how she interspersed the nursery rhyme throughout the piece. Bittersweet and wonderfully done.

Title: That’s When Things Got Out Of Control
Author: wandersfound @ her_own_write
Tags: concussion/head trauma, drugged, fainting/collapse, sexual assault/abuse (non-con), unconsciousness
Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Dean Smith, Sam Wesson, OCs
Genre/pairing: Smith/Wesson
Rating: R
Word-count: 2,413
Spoilers: 4x17 [It’s A Terrible Life]
Warnings: violence, attempted non-con
Summary: Someone slips a roofie into Dean Smith's drink at the office Christmas party and tries to force sex in a supply closet. Either Dean fends them off or he's rescued by Sam Wesson, who takes care of him afterward. Bonus points if the attack spurs some repressed memories for a different time that a similar thing had happened to Dean Winchester.
Reccer’s comments: I love how wandersfound used both the Winchesters we know and Smith and Wesson - they were all kept in character, no easy feat when switching between them! And the aftermath was so very sweet, as well as handled respectfully and with care.

Title: End of Violent, Beginning of Orange
Author: emrys777
Tags: concussion/head trauma, delirium, hallucinations, hell/post-hell issues, illness (misc./other/uncategorized), missing (kidnapping/abduction/etc.), unconsciousness
Characters: Dean, Sam, mentioned Castiel, OCs
Genre/pairing: gen
Rating: PG-13
Word-count: 4,100
Spoilers: Up through Great Pumpkin
Warnings: none
Summary: Halloween's over, but that doesn't mean all the creepy-crawly, ghoulie ghouls have gone home. Dean gets taken by a monster.
Reccer’s comments: A chilling look at Dean’s post-hell issues, and a wonderful Sam who is by his side every step of the way.

[setting: season 04], captivity, drugged, concussion/head trauma, [pairing: dean/sam], hospitalization, missing (kidnapping/abduction/etc.), [genre: gen], unconsciousness, restraints/ropes/handcuffs, delirium, bruises/bruising, hallucinations/delusions, hell/post-hell issues, [genre: slash], illness (misc./other/uncategorized), torture, fainting/collapse, blood-loss, cuts/lacerations, &fic, !recs, sexual assault/abuse (non-con)

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