monthly member/guest rec submissions: a trio of Sam/Dean fic recs

Jul 31, 2011 19:26

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LJ, are you back for good? ::clings::

Title: Devil He Told Me to Roll
Author: Mirabella
Tags: cuts/lacerations, fever, infected wounds
Characters: Dean, Sam, Bobby
Genre/pairing: Sam/Dean, pre-series AU
Rating: PG-13
Word-count: N/A
Spoilers: None
Warnings: None
Summary: Dean knows he's screwed up. The trick is going to be keeping Sam from finding out just how bad.
Reccer: anonymous
Reccer’s comments: Gorgeous brotherly love. I hope this is very well known throughout the fandom, but it's definitely worth a re-read, particularly if you miss the brothers' early dynamic. Set pre-series when Sam is in college with a clever AU twist, this story's spot-on voices will make it your new happy place. If you love both Sam and Dean and their overwhelming love for each other, settle down and read this slowly, savoring every word!

Title: Wedding Crashed
Author: moragmacpherson and dragonspell
Tags: injury, pain, physical assault/abuse, shower sharing
Characters: Sam, Dean
Genre/pairing: Sam/Dean, PWP
Rating: NC-17
Word-count: 9,780
Spoilers: Season six, post "Like a Virgin" but prior to "Frontierland"
Warnings: graphic sexual content, multiple sexual situations with varying degrees of consent, gen and non-gen breathplay
Summary: It all comes back to this: Dean's groin feels like it’s on fire, his throat’s covered in a necklace of bruises, and he never wants to move again.
Reccer: anonymous
Reccer’s comments: This was so, so much fun. It's amusing, smoking hot, and topped off with delicious h/c. I was also impressed by how well the writers' styles meshed together.

Title: How Dean Winchester Got Everything He Didn’t Know He Wanted For Christmas
Author: runedgirl
Tags: bottom!Dean, restraints/ropes/handcuffs, psychological issues, self-esteem issues
Characters: Sam, Dean
Genre/pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: NC-17
Word-count: N/A
Spoilers: Spoilers for 4.10 - takes place just after
Warnings: bondage
Summary: For the prompt ‘Sam taking care of Dean in every way possible, at a remote cabin.’ I tried to hit as many kinks as I could - Whew! And maybe there’s a happy ending in there too. The boys wanted to play dirty, it’s not my fault!
Reccer: anonymous
Reccer’s comments: I’m discovering this a few years (and months!) late, but oh well, it’s like Christmas in July! It was so nice to see Dean letting Sam take control like this. Sweet and kinky and comforting.

➽ This post was compiled by maypoles and is posted under this account for organizational purposes.

[setting: season 04], [genre» other: au/ar], [genre» other: pwp], infection, [pairing: dean/sam], psychological issues, injury (misc./other/uncategorized), restraints/ropes/handcuffs, !monthly rec submissions (mod-compiled), [setting: season 06], self-esteem issues, [genre: slash], [genre» other: kink], manhandling, fever, pain, cuts/lacerations, physical assault/abuse, &fic, bottom!dean, !recs, [setting: pre-series], shower/bath sharing

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