Nov 09, 2013 15:01

A real trailer, straight from the BBC. Not sure how it'll embed, so here's the link:

Day of the Doctor

Now, I've a question: ( Spoilery-type thing )

doctor who, squee!

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Comments 7

londonkds November 9 2013, 23:12:59 UTC
This may be too cynical about Rose for you, but I've thought since I heard that it would be S2 Ten and Rose that it can't be completely straight. Because S2 Rose discovering a future version of the Doctor with a different companion would have had an emotional crisis that would have derailed the entire rest of her plot.


honorh November 9 2013, 23:39:27 UTC
Meh, I think she'd have dealt. She had to know, on some level, that the Doctor would outlive her by centuries, and the thought that he was alone upset her at the end of "Doomsday". Getting smacked in the face by her own mortality (since she believed she'd stay with him as long as she lived) would have been fairly upsetting, of course, but she was never weak; any "emotional crisis" would have passed in the face of a real crisis.

However, I agree that a side adventure with a later Doctor and companion wouldn't have fit neatly into S2 anywhere, which is why I thought it might be a later Rose with Ten II when I heard Tennant and Piper would return. If this Rose turns out to be a projection of some sort, then, the only question is where Ten is in his timeline.


taffimai November 9 2013, 23:54:42 UTC
Oh, I assumed she was BAD WOLF, not Rose.


mrv3000 November 10 2013, 00:13:14 UTC
Seems like she's some other Rose or something. Bad Wolf would probably be a good bet with the glowing eyes and all. (Although who knows?)


wickedgillie November 10 2013, 00:24:45 UTC
Nice! This is the same trailer they showed after Strictly earlier tonight.

I too thought this might be Bad Wolf Rose.


(The comment has been removed)

honorh November 10 2013, 22:10:02 UTC
Friend away!


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