First of the Cliche Challenge fics!

Jul 17, 2013 22:48

I really thought this one would be comical, but it didn't turn out that way. In fact, it's really quite angsty. So:

Title: You Always Hurt the Ones You Love
Rating: Teen for angst unsuitable for young'uns
Characters/Pairing: Nine/Rose/Jack
Prompter: wendymrSummary: The Doctor, Rose and Jack have the worst argument of their relationship. Much musing upon ( Read more... )

doctor who, fanfic

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Comments 6

yamx July 18 2013, 16:21:20 UTC
Awwww... That was wonderful. *wipes tears*


honorh July 19 2013, 01:13:00 UTC
Thanky! Glad to bring the tears.


wendymr July 19 2013, 00:40:16 UTC
This is perfect! I really like how all of them blame themselves, and think that they've ruined everything, and how the row [which, by the way, is pronounced to rhyme with 'ow', not 'owe'] didn't take hours of talking and apologising to resolve. Sometimes a hug really is all you need - and love does mean never having to say you're sorry! *g*


honorh July 19 2013, 01:20:23 UTC
I actually do know that about "row", but I couldn't resist the visual pun. Eh, sometimes these things work, sometimes they don't.

They'll likely do some talking over dinner, but forgiveness is already given and received. You're right, not everything needs to be talked through in order to soothe hurt feelings and say, without words, that the heated words of an argument weren't true and are regretted. A hug can say it all.

That and, as Jack will no doubt point out, some really hot makeup sex.


joking July 21 2013, 20:12:21 UTC
Lovely h/c! Really hit the spot for OT3 sweetness.


develish1 July 25 2013, 17:21:25 UTC

beautifully done love :)


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