DW 5.13: The Big Bang

Jun 27, 2010 11:18

I adore this show, and Eleven.

Rory, I abso-freakin'-lutely love you, ya big, soppy romantic. What a darling guy! Lucky Amy!

Little Amelia! I'm so glad they brought her back for the finale. Gotta love that little girl; she's such a sparky little thing. And it was a real surprise, seeing Amy inside the Pandorica.

I thought people were making too much of what I thought was a continuity gaffe in "Flesh and Stone" with Jacket!Doctor, but they were right! Clever, clever Moffatt.

I like River now. I think the thing that bothered me--and most people--with her first appearance was that she didn't seem to have earned the right to such familiarity with the Doctor. Now that we're getting some of her seriously-out-of-order backstory, though, she's really quite kick-ass. The thing about having dated an Auton cracked me up.

I totally called Amy remembering the Doctor back into existence. Something old, something new, something borrowed . . . something blue.

The Doctor really is a complete dork. Please tell me someone got gifs of his dancing.

And yay! The Doctor traveling with a young married couple sounds like a perfectly fabulous idea. The Doctor and the honeymooners! Best of all, we get to keep Rory.

I felt, all season, like we really didn't know Amy. This kind of gives a reason for it. Namely, Amy didn't know herself. The crack in the wall ate away at her life, taking her mother, her "wee little Dad", probably her aunt--she was missing whole chunks of who she is. So, maybe now that she's recovered that, I'll start bonding with her. I already approve of her choice of husband.

Matt Smith, you are the Doctor. He was such an old man in this episode. He felt ancient behind a youthful face, which is really what I'd hoped for when his casting was announced. I'm excited to see him and the honeymooners again at Christmas.

doctor who, meta

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