[not-quite-an-OOM] Confessions to Lily

Jul 14, 2011 22:42

Albus almost, very nearly, decides never to use the door to Milliways again.

If only because chances of running into Scorpius there always seem to be greater than they are when he's at school with him. (Which probably shouldn't make any sense when he thinks about it because they're in the same house and share most of the same classes.)

It's just -

It's been difficult to face just about anyone lately.

He thinks he must seem an awful friend to Rose and Andrew (and Honoria when she isn't hanging about her Quidditch-playing Hufflepuff Captain boyfriend). He's been avoiding them too, ashamed to have them notice how un-Albus he is, for reasons he can't quite get into because that'd require far too many explanations and unanswered questions.

Of course, it isn't that he wants to be alone; he'd welcome company if he thought they could sympathize. If he could avoid a long-winded narrative he simply doesn't think he can bring himself to explain without bursting into tears or something equally as mortifying.

Which is why he does end up going back to the Bar.

He finds an isolated enough area to hide, but keeps a constant watch on the door in case the girl whose eyes he inherited happens to walk through.

in-bar, lily evans

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