Reading Challenge?

Dec 29, 2020 20:40

 Is anyone doing a reading challenge this upcoming year?

I would love some recommendations. I was thinking of redoing The 2020 Reading Challenge from ljbookbingo, but I would love to maybe do another one concurrently as well.

Any suggestions would be much appreciated!  The reading challenge I did last year was one of the highlights for me and was ( Read more... )

personal, books i'm reading, ramblings

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Comments 16

aeris444 December 30 2020, 14:19:54 UTC
I've chosen two for this year: the Flourish and Blots Magic in the Books. You can find it here :
And the Cloak and Dagger :
I'll do a post about these later today!


honor_reid December 31 2020, 08:01:18 UTC
I’ll check those out. Thanks so much!!


keli December 30 2020, 19:02:59 UTC
Do you belong to Goodreads? If so, there is a secret community there that migrated from Booklikes when it closed down. If you are interested, I think you might be able to hit the first link below to the Outpost and ask to join. You can tell them that Kelly sent you and that you also know Jenn (stellar here) and that you love to do reading challenges and talk about books. The people there are very nice. I think the way she does it, is that when you are approved for the Outpost then you introduce yourself and ask to join the "Game Time at the Outpost" board. :)

The Outpost

Game Time at the Outpost


stellar_raven December 30 2020, 20:30:36 UTC
My Booklikes blog title was Jennifer's Books, and I just go by Jennifer at GR, so that's how they'd know me over there if you do decide to look into it.


keli December 31 2020, 17:21:08 UTC
Jenn do you know what the procedure is to add someone over there? I was able to get my friend Anne in but I can't recall now how I did that. I thought once she hits the link it would give her an option to ask to join. Any ideas? I really think she would love the challenges they have.


stellar_raven January 2 2021, 20:50:55 UTC
I'm not sure, either. They may have changed something since your friend Anne joined. We might need to message one of the group admins and see if they're accepting new members at this time.


stellar_raven December 30 2020, 19:06:53 UTC
I'm glad you enjoyed the LJBB Reading Challenge. I hope we're able to do it again, or a bingo again in the future.


honor_reid December 31 2020, 04:57:27 UTC
That would be nice! :D


justjo2u January 2 2021, 15:57:54 UTC
I think I'm just going to read what I like this year and see how that pans out. I will post in lj about books as I finish them and I'll be eagerly following others reccomendation too.


honor_reid January 3 2021, 05:55:37 UTC
That sounds like a good plan as well! I can't wait to see what you post.



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