Vacation Mishaps and Memories

Apr 30, 2015 22:12

Title: Vacation Mishaps and Memories
Fandom: Monk/Hawaii 5-0
Pairing: Natalie Teeger/Adrian Monk
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1,992
Summary: Natalie and Adrian take their first vacation as a married couple.
Notes: A big thank you to my beta lanalucy she made this story much more readable! Written for the comm Older_not_dead prompt: clear blue skies. Also for the comm Stories_a_zRead more... )

hawaii five-0, fic challenge, h/c bingo, older_not_dead, a-z stories, monk/natalie, fic, monk, crossover

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Comments 4

ride_4ever May 1 2015, 06:24:48 UTC
Good fic and very imaginative crossover choice.


honor_reid May 1 2015, 18:47:40 UTC
Thank you so much! I'm glad you liked it. :)


sexycazzy May 1 2015, 08:54:38 UTC
Lovely! Always happy to read Monk fics, esp if it's a crossover fic! Miss Monk very much :(


honor_reid May 1 2015, 18:49:10 UTC
I miss Monk too! :(

Thanks so much for reading and reviewing. I'm glad you liked it! :)


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