Hurt/Comfort Challenge: Rec List

Mar 28, 2016 21:41

Author: Honor_Reid
Fandoms: BBC Atlantis, General Hospital, Avengers, Hawaii 5-O, Supernatural, The Librarians, Star Trek, Batman Begins, Suits, Magnificent Seven, and Voyagers!.
H/C: Depression, Unconsciousness.

Notes:This was done for hc_bingo and their March Rec Challenge. It was very difficult there are so many great stories out there. I hope I can help people find a great story to read and don't forget to give these authors some love. It really does make the authors day!

headaches / migraines


1. His Series by AislinCeivun (BBC Atlantis)
This series is for the short lived tv series Atlantis and focuses on two side characters by the names of Critas and Dion. The first story His Worth takes place during the episode A New Dawn: Part two. The second story His Heart takes place in the episode The Marriage of Two Minds. Oh my gosh what can I say about this perfection of a series. His Worth is told from Critas pov and shows how he changes during and after the siege of Atlantis and the way Dion interacts with him is a big part of that and is just so lovely to read. Critas falls in love and hopes that maybe just maybe one day Dion may look his way as well. So Awesome. The next story His Heart is also so well written, but in order not to spoil it I can't say to much but the emotional resonance is so well done you can feel everything that Critas feels and it is heartbreaking. Both stories are so well written and I just can't say enough about either one. Warnings: Violence, Depression, Self-Destructive Behavior, Major Character Death

2. Vanity by Calacious (General Hospital)
Jason realizes that someone close to them both has been hurting Spinelli for awhile and resolves it will never happen again. What I loved about this story is the hurt/comfort of course but I what I really loved was the care that Jason shows Spinelli. Jason isn't the most open person when it comes to showing he cares about people but Calacious shows us a protective and loving Jason and manages to keep him in character. We also get an insight into Spinelli's mind and how he perceives the violence that is committed against him. He will break your heart. Thankfully Jason is there to help him heal and move on. Warnings: Violence, Abuse, Depression

3. Sinking Like a Stone by LaylaBinx (Avengers)
Captain America is not allowed to be anything other then okay, but what about Steve Rogers? What happens when it all becomes to much and he need a helping hand? I love this story because to often I do think Steve is expected to be okay when in reality he has had to deal with a lot and hasn't had a lot of downtime in which to process it. Thankfully Tony is there to help him when he needs it most. Warnings: Suicidal thoughts.

4. Fear by Irene Claire (Hawaii 5-0)
Danny has doubts about his ability to live up to his daughters expectations and when he gets injured it all comes to a head. I loved this story especially how Steve takes care of Danny while he recovers and how he talks Danny through his doubts and anxiety. Canonically Danny has admitted to having depression and anxiety and I think Irene Claire does an awesome job of handling both in this story. Warnings: Depression.

5.Inspiration Point by suerum (General Hospital)
Spinelli is at his wits end and doesn't see any reason to go on. Jason has to talk him down by reminding him of all he has to live for. Warnings: Attempted Suicide, Depression


6. A Winter's Tale by NorthernSparrow (Supernatural)
This is such a good fic. I honestly can't say enough about it. Mid-Season 9. After Gadreel has been taken care of Dean receives a call that Castiel is in a coma in intensive care. Cas is in a bad way, but so is Sam as he deals with his anger at Dean's betrayal and the killing of Kevin. Dean is also not doing well as he is having to live with the decisions he made to keep his brother alive. Then Dean finds a journal that Cas kept while he was a way and that really open's Dean's eyes to what his friend went through when he was all alone. What I love is that the three of them actually talk things through and come to an understanding of how much they mean to each other. Plus although the hurt is off the charts the comfort is so well done that it really makes up for it. Warning: Mentions of Torture, Possession

7. Parasomnia Kleptomania By LaylaBinx (The Librarians)
It turns out that Ezekiel Jones sleepwalks. This story is about a surprising trait of Ezekiel's that manifests itself. He steals in his sleep. The others have various reactions to this fact. I loved this story it is very well written by one of my favorite authors. Plus it has big brother!Jake making an appearance. Warnings: None

8. Thy Brother by MissAnnThropic (Star Trek)
Jim gets hurt badly causing Spock to make the decision to bring him to Vulcan and Sarek witnesses how devoted they are to each other. I loved this story! MissAnnThropic does such a good job with writing Spock and Jim's friendship and how they are viewed by a very logical Sarek. Plus there is a lot of delicious h/c and Jim's life hanging in the balance. Warnings: None

9.Letting Go by Merqurius (Batman Begins)
Batman has to knock Gordon unconscious in order to keep up the story that they are not working together. I love this short story because it shows just how much these two men trust each other. Warnings: None

10. The Close Call by wyndhamfan2 (Suits)
Mike gets sick. Very very sick. The problem is it is during a very big case, so no one notices and Mike ignores the warnings signs. Until he can't anymore, and he ends up in intensive care in a coma his life hanging in the balance. Warning: None

11. Saving Grace and Touch of Grace by MissAnnThropic (Supernatural)
In Saving Grace Dean realizes (after awhile) that Castiel is in need of help. What I love about this is that this is an alternate take on season 6 with a Dean that has some compassion and sympathy for the war that Cas is fighting in heaven and it has Cas turning to Dean rather then Crowley. I love both of these changes! MissAnnThropic is very creative on how Dean helps Cas and this leads to a deepening of their friendship. They actually work together to solve their various problems. In Touch of Grace Cas keeps his promise from Saving Grace. I can't say much more then that without spoiling it but it is a great window into the lovely relationship between Cas and Dean and really makes you wish the show would allow them to be this close and honest about how much they care for each other. Most of Saving Grace is told from Sam's pov and it is lovely to see another perspective. Plus you see just how much Sam cares for both Dean and Cas. This is one of my all time favorite Gen. stories.

12. Game of Chess by NotTasha (Magnificent Seven)
This series is one of my favorites in the Magnificent Seven fandom, because it explores the awesome friendship between Nathan Jackson and Ezra Standish. It is a series of five stories that starts with a chess set that Nathan is carving and he shows it to Ezra. That simple act of trust creates a moment between the two of them that allows them to deepen their friendship and as the stories progress they become closer and the chess set becomes a catalyst to both conversation and adventure. Very good series, I highly recommend it! Warning: Mentions of Slavery, Racism.

13. Hero Material by kriadydragon (The Librarians)
Ezekiel must use one of the libraries many artifacts to save the day, unfortunately it could have a very deadly side effect. What I loved about this story is the way kriadydragon writes both Ezekiel and Jake and how their relationship plays out as Ezekiel tries to undo a spell. On the show they are very gruff with each other to the point you start to question if there is any friendship there at all, but every once in awhile you see a glimmer that shows you there in fact is something developing. Kriadydragon does a great job of expanding on these glimmers and having their friendship shine through. Warning: Temporary Character Death

14. Like Today Never Happened by Nefhiriel (Avengers)
Steve gets regressed to his pre-serum state and his pre-serum health. The Avengers try to make the best of it. I love this story because the h/c is off the charts and I love how each Avenger handles the situation they find themselves in. I especially love Tony's pov as his friendship with Steve gets stronger and all the h/c that is involved. Warnings: Violence, Injury, Temporary Disability

15. A Missing Moment from Voyagers of the Titanic by Voyager Tip (Voyagers!)
I loved this show as a kid and Voyagers of the Titanic was one of my favorite episodes. This missing moment from the episode fits perfectly in canon. We get to see Phineas' worry over Jeffery's illness and the fact he could die without a cure. The author does a great job of portraying the found family and the father son relationship between Jeffery and Phineas which was one of my favorite aspects about the show. Warnings: none

hawaii five-0, atlantis, supernatural, magnificent seven, fic challenge, h/c bingo, fic rec, rec, gen, the librarians

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