Hurt/Comfort Challenge: Rec List

Mar 27, 2015 13:47

Author: Honor_Reid
Fandoms: NCIS, Avengers, Chaos, The Sentinel, Star Trek, LOTR, Sherlock Holmes(2009), Primeval, SPN, Highlander, D.C. Comics, and Hawaii 5-O.
H/C: Stranded/Survival, On the Run.

Notes:This was done for hc_bingo and their March Rec Challenge. It was very difficult there are so many great stories out there. I probably could have done two or three more of these lists! I hope I can help people find a great story to read and don't forget to give these authors some love. It really does make the authors day!

suicide attempt
stranded / survival scenario
on the run

On The Run:

1. Comfort to the Enemy and The Devil You Know by sea_wren (SPN)
This story takes place after episode 4.22. Dean, Sam, and Castiel are hurt and on the run as they try to stay ahead of both angels and demons, while dealing with the consequences of their decisions. I am recommending this series because the author does such a great job of conveying how deeply messed up all three of these characters are and yet they also care for each other just as deeply. Their friendship is dysfunctional but it works. Plus it features a lot of Castiel whump with Dean being a awesome caregiver which I am all for. Warnings: Violence and Torture

2. History Repeating by fayedartmouth (Chaos)
Rick is badly injured and Casey must run a gauntlet to get the younger man to safety. I am recommending this story because Casey's pov is so spot on perfect that if could have been an episode on the show. Also the h/c is off the charts not only because of Rick's injuries but also because of the memories that Casey must deal with along the way. Warnings: Violence

3. Saving McGee by Shellie Williams (NCIS)
McGee returns to re-question a witness when he runs into trouble. Gibbs must rescue an injured Tim and stay ahead of his attacker until help can arrive. I am recommending this story because it is well written and I love when authors write the NCIS team as family. Plus it has a big dose of protective!Gibbs. Warnings: For Torture and Violence.


4. Death Becomes Him by TawnyShyrell (NCIS)
Tim once made a deal with death. Death comes back to collect what he's owed. The team is determined to get him back but they will have to survive a walk through the Underworld in order to do so. I am recommending this story because of the world building that Tawnyshyrell does when it comes to Death and the underworld is so well done. The team goes through a lot to get Tim back and along the way realize what they mean to each other and how they are now a family. Warnings: Mentions of child abuse and character death

5. Camping With Gibbs By emerald-green37 (NCIS)
NCIS(Gibbs, McGee, and DiNozzo) and the FBI(Fornell) go undercover at a campsite in order to catch a smuggler. Gibbs is determined to show Tim and Tony how camping is done but McGee has a few surprises up his sleeve. Will they survive camping with Gibbs? I loved this story because it mixes both humor and hurt/comfort. Plus Emerald 1 is one of the best NCIS writers so the story is very well written. I actually highly recommend you read all of her stories. Warnings: Some Violence

6. The Game by Jess Riley (Sentinel)
Jim's past comes back to haunt him and Blair and Simon get caught in the crossfire. The trio get stranded in the desert in a sick game where they are being hunted. I am recommending this story because it is classic hurt/comfort and it is so well written. Jess Riley does such a great job not only with the action but with the interactions between all three characters. Warnings: Violence

7. The Shadow Series by myselfonly (LOTR)
When an ancient evil is loosed in the world it falls to Gimli and Legolas to fight against it. What I absolutely love about this series is the author's ability to capture Legolas and Gimli's companionship so perfectly. It feels like a continuation of the films. The villain she has created in the Shadow feels ominous enough that you do fear for the Legolas and Gimli. Myselfonly has used the backdrop of LOTR to the fullest and we see many characters from the books as well as interesting oc's that fit in seamlessly. Don't let the WIP scare you the author updates regularly. The series is gripping, and very well written. The author does a great job of keeping the suspense building but she never forgets the heart of the story which is the friendship of Gimli and Legolas through all trials. Warning: Death of a child, Violence, Torture, Possession, Gore

8. Flesh and Blood by SUPRNTRAL LVR (Sherlock Holmes 2009)
This story takes place during the first movie and goes au after the explosion scene. The author tells a tale in which Watson is missing and in the hands of a vicious gang. Sherlock is desperate to find his friend and expose those who are working against them. Watson is just trying to survive his imprisonment and hold on until Sherlock comes for him. It is a very well written story and keeps both Sherlock and Watson in character. The closeness between the two is displayed to perfection and there is plenty of hurt/comfort goodness. Warning: Torture, Violence, Betrayal

9. Familiar Taste of Poison by Laylabinx(Avengers)
Steve is poisoned during a mission and must survive the ghastly side effects. What I love about this story is the way the team rallies around Steve and tries to take care of him. Laylabinx is wondrous in her ability to write the Avengers as family albeit a dysfunctional family but still a family.

10. The Last Level by thegraytigress (Avengers)
Tony, Steve, and Clint are captured by an old enemy and are tortured. They are eventually abandoned at the bottom of a nuclear silo and must climb their way out. All three are injured and traumatized and must rely on each other if they are going to make it out. thegreytigress is one of my favorite writers in the Avengers fandom, the story is very well written and the friendship between the three is very well done and in character. Warning: Torture, injury, gore.

11. Unready Reserves by mackiedockie (Avengers/Highlander)
The Watchers run afoul of SHIELD and Joe gets enlisted to help Fury. Methos tries to help Joe. In the end they both are just trying to survive that fateful day in New York when Loki attacks. I highly recommend this crossover, mackiedockie keeps both fandoms in character. Plus she gets Joe and Methos' banter down perfectly and with these two that is a must!

12. Bitter Betrayal by Irene Claire (Hawaii 5-O)
Steve and Danny are betrayed on an undercover sting and must survive long enough to be rescued. What I love about Irene Claire is that her stories don't fade to black when the protagonists are rescued she shows what happens after. Including how they deal with trauma both physical and mental. Plus she does my absolute favorite trope which is family of choice. Warnings: Violence, torture

13. The Dragons of Veyga by Closet Scrawler (Star Trek)
Spock and Kirk are sent to Veyga to broker a trade agreement when they are caught between two warring forces. Forcing them to try to survive a situation they know little about. What I love about this fic is the world building that closet scrawler does, dragons and Star Trek should be silly but it works in this story. The plot is interesting and well paced. The interaction between Kirk and Spock is spot on perfect. I especially love the way their friendship plays out as someone sets out to assassinate Jim. So very well written and highly recommend it. Warnings: Violence

14. Midnight Sun by ava_jamison (D.C. Comics)
Batman and a powerless Superman are stranded on an alien planet trying to survive and find a way home. What I love about this story is the author takes Batman and Superman out of the settings we are used to seeing them in. Instead of Gotham and Metropolis they are set on a distant alien planet with only each other to rely on. Also the author does a fantastic job of portraying Clark and Bruce's friendship and all they are willing to sacrifice for each other. So good, so well written. Warnings: Violence, gore.

15. Hero by deinonychus-1 (Primeval)
Connor's parents supposedly died when he was nine but then anomaly opens up his father comes through having been trapped in the past. Will Connor and his father be able to make up for lost time and will Connor survive when another anomaly results in serious injuries? What I loved about this story is that it shows that sometimes the worst pain isn't physical (although this story does have that) sometimes it is emotional. The way deinonychus handles Connor's reunion with his father is very well done. The story achieves a delicate balance where people do the best they can but no one is perfect. Both Connor and Cutter learn a valuable lesson about family, ones you are born into and ones you chose for yourself. I have read this multiple times and it is very well written. Warnings: Violence

hawaii five-0, tim mcgee, fic challenge, ncis, h/c bingo, fic rec, rec, gen, fic, crossover

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